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  • Effects of parsley extract ...
    Riel, Greta; Boulaaba, Annika; Popp, Johanna; Klein, Guenter

    Meat science, September 2017, 2017-Sep, 2017-09-00, 20170901, Volume: 131
    Journal Article

    Increasing concern about chemical additives in processed meat has led to an increased market of uncured and alternatively cured meat products. However, the use of vegetable extracts or the exclusion of curing salt may increase the risk of greater bacterial growth and alteration of several physicochemical parameters. Therefore, in this study mortadella-type sausages, manufactured with 1.07 (V3), 2.14 (V4) and 4.29 (V5) g parsley extract powder/kg sausage meat were produced. These sausage variants were compared to an uncured (V2) and a traditionally nitrite-cured control (V1). A significantly lower Listeria monocytogenes growth was observed for V5 compared to all other variants during the storage time of 28days (P<0.05). Compared to V1, V5 presented a residual nitrite content reduced by 40% and similar a* values until day 21. Concerning texture parameters, L* and aw values, no differences between the variants were detected. Sensory analysis showed that overall acceptance of V4 and V5 was comparable with V1. •The lowest growth of L. monocytogenes presented the variant with 4.29g parsley extract powder/kg.•Lower residual nitrite levels were found using parsley extract.•Sausages produced with higher amount of parsley extract showed good stability of red color.•Higher concentrations of parsley extract in the sausages lead to a satisfying overall consumer acceptance.•Parsley extract could be a suitable alternative for curing salt in the production of mortadella-type sausages.