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  • Space γ-observatory GAMMA-4...
    Galper, A.M.; Bonvicini, V.; Topchiev, N.P.; Adriani, O.; Aptekar, R.L.; Arkhangelskaja, I.V.; Arkhangelskiy, A.I.; Bergstrom, L.; Berti, E.; Bigongiari, G.; Bobkov, S.G.; Boezio, M.; Bogomolov, E.A.; Bonechi, S.; Bongi, M.; Bottai, S.; Castellini, G.; Cattaneo, P.W.; Cumani, P.; Dedenko, G.L.; De Donato, C.; Dogiel, V.A.; Gorbunov, M.S.; Gusakov, Yu.V.; Hnatyk, B.I.; Kadilin, V.V.; Kaplin, V.A.; Kaplun, A.A.; Kheymits, M.D.; Korepanov, V.E.; Larsson, J.; Leonov, A.A.; Loginov, V.A.; Longo, F.; Maestro, P.; Marrocchesi, P.S.; Mikhailov, V.V.; Mocchiutti, E.; Moiseev, A.A.; Mori, N.; Moskalenko, I.V.; Naumov, P.Yu; Papini, P.; Pearce, M.; Picozza, P.; Rappoldi, A.; Ricciarini, S.; Runtso, M.F.; Ryde, F.; Serdin, O.V.; Sparvoli, R.; Spillantini, P.; Suchkov, S.I.; Tavani, M.; Taraskin, A.A.; Tiberio, A.; Tyurin, E.M.; Ulanov, M.V.; Vacchi, A.; Vannuccini, E.; Vasilyev, G.I.; Yurkin, Yu.T.; Zampa, N.; Zirakashvili, V.N.; Zverev, V.G.

    Physics procedia, 2015, 2015-00-00, Volume: 74
    Journal Article, Conference Proceeding

    GAMMA-400 γ-ray telescope is designed to measure fluxes of γ-rays and the electron–positron cosmic ray component possibly generated in annihilation or decay of dark matter particles; to search for and study in detail discrete γ-ray sources, to examine the energy spectra of Galactic and extragalactic diffuse γ-rays, to study γ-ray bursts and γ-rays from the active Sun. GAMMA-400 consists of plastic scintillation anticoincidence top and lateral detectors, converter-tracker, plastic scintillation detectors for the time-of-flight system (TOF), two-part calorimeter (CC1 and CC2), plastic scintillation lateral detectors of calorimeter, plastic scintillation detectors of calorimeter, and neutron detector. The converter-tracker consists of 13 layers of double (x, y) silicon strip coordinate detectors (pitch of 0.08mm). The first three and final one layers are without tungsten while the middle nine layers are interleaved with nine tungsten conversion foils. The thickness of CC1 and CC2 is 2 X0 (0.1λ0) and 23 X0 (1.1λ0) respectively (where X0 is radiation length and λ0 is nuclear interaction one). The total calorimeter thickness is 25 X0 or 1.2λ0 for vertical incident particles registration and 54 X0 or 2.5λ0 for laterally incident ones. The energy range for γ-rays and electrons (positrons) registration in the main aperture is from ∼0.1GeV to ∼3.0 TeV. The γ-ray telescope main aperture angular and energy resolutions are respectively ∼0.01 and ∼1% for 102 GeV γ-quanta, the proton rejection factor is ∼5×105. The first three strip layers without tungsten provide the registration of γ-rays down to ∼20 MeV in the main aperture. Also this aperture allows investigating high energy light nuclei fluxes characteristics. Electrons, positrons, light nuclei and gamma-quanta will also register from the lateral directions due to special aperture configuration. Lateral aperture energy resolution is the same as for main aperture for electrons, positrons, light nuclei and gamma-quanta in energy range E>1.0GeV. But using lateral aperture it is possible to detect low-energy gammas in the ranges 0.2 − 10 MeV and 10 MeV – 1.0GeV with energy resolution 8% − 2% and 2% correspondingly accordingly to GAMMA-400 “Technical Project” stage results. Angular resolution in the lateral aperture provides only for low-energy gamma-quanta from non-stationary events (GRB, solar flares and so on) due segments of CC2 count rate analysis. GAMMA-400 γ-ray telescope will be installed onboard the Russian Space Observatory GAMMA-400. The lifetime of the space observatory will be at least seven years. The launch of the space observatory is scheduled for the early 2020s.