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  • Petrović Marija


    The aim of the doctoral dissertation is to present the work of a great living writer of Serbian modern literature - Miodrag Pavlovic. Having laid the foundations of modern literature writing, Miodrag Pavlovic has been imbued with modern critical consciousness for the last sixty years, engendering some of the most prominent literary achievements in Serbia. The literary work consists of more than 40 books of poetry, 20 books of essays as well as prose marked by romanesque tetralogy. The comprehensive knowledge of Miodrag Pavlovic and his ponderings upon literature, anthropology and philosophy make contributions to both the quality and literary culture of both our and the world’s heritage. Technically speaking, there are two parts of the thesis. The first part implies the individual works (the novels), and the second part reflects the views on apocalypse, anthropology, symbolics related to the general issues of poetics and spirituality as narration in Miodrag Pavlovic’s work. The myth and the rite make the essence of his work, coupled with an anthropological view of religion, esoteric studies, philosophy, and tradition. The apocalyptic issue presents the framework for all the ponderings and studies. The distance from dogmatic solutions led to even more complex ponderings, various visions and thus shaped new artistic works which confirmed the universal connection between all things in the world. Owing to his ideas, Miodrag Pavlovic has succeeded in reconstructing the ancient rituals, historical events bringing them closer to a contemporary reader. Pavlovic introduces a fairly different meaning of the new and the modern implying that the world was new only once, everything that was to occur afterwards has been a mere interpretation of the same. Cilj ove doktorske disertacija je da prikaže impozantno stvaralaštvo živog i aktuelnog pisca srpske moderne književnosti – Miodraga Pavlovića. Osim što je postavio temelje modernog stvaralaštva, Miodrag Pavlović još uvek unosi modernu kritičku svest i traje na književnoj sceni punii 60 godina. Njegov rad obuhvata više od četrdeset knjiga poezije, dvadeset knjiga eseja i prozu obeleženu romanesknom tetralogijom. Veliko književno, teološko, antropološko i filozofsko znanje ovog stvaraoca doprinosi kvalitetu i književnoj kulturi ne samo našeg, već i svetskog podneblja. Tehnički, rad se sastoji iz dva dela. Prvi deo obuhvata pojedinačna dela ( pregled romana), a drugi deo je pogled na opšta pitanja u vezi sa apokalipsom, antropologijom, simbolikom, tj. obuhvata opšta pitanja poetike i duhovnosti kao naracije u stvaralaštvu Miodraga Pavlovića. U osnovi celokupnog stvaralaštva stoji mit i obred uz antropološki pogled na religiju, ali i ezoterna izučavanja, filozofija i tradicija. Pitanje Apokalipse okosnica je svih tih razmišljanja i učenja. Udaljenost od dogmatskih razrešenja vodila je kompleksnijim razmišljanjima, različitim vizijama i oblikovala nova umetnička dela koja su potvrđivala činjenicu da je u svetu sve povezano. Jedinstven u idejama uspeo je da rekonstruiše daleke obredne radnje, istorijske događaje i samim tim ih približio savremenom čitaocu. Uvodi drugačije značenje novog i modernog ukazujući da je svet samo jednom bio nov, a sve što se kasnije odvijalo samo je interpretiranje starog.