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  • Zamfirescu, Vasile Dem

    2011/06/17 2011

    From the disciplines condemned to inexistence by communism - genetics, sociology, important philosophical directions, such as existentialism, psychoanalysis - the latter had the “privilege” of being ostracized until the last moments of the Ceauşescu regime. Although genetics and sociology gradually managed to be accepted and practiced before 1989, the revolution found an almost deserted space where psychoanalysis was on the map of Romanian culture: a handful of clandestine practitioners, who were not aware of each other, a few „how to” books and only two translated volumes of Freud’s work. Meanwhile, in the West it had become almost compulsory from a cultural point of view for intellectuals to go through a personal analysis, and the publications were surprisingly abundant and dynamic. The answer to why things evolved differently in Romania cannot be approached in the present context.