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Impact factor for journal Ars Adriatica in year 2022

Year 2022
Journal title Ars Adriatica
ISSN 1848-1590/1848-7459
Impact factor 0.017

Social Science Edition (SSE) rankings

1206 1209 1201 1213 1202
Conservation Museology Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) Visual Arts and Performing Arts History
Rank 89/91 55/56 364/369 477/491 1243/1264
Quarter 4 4 4 4 4
IFx 0.670 0.702 1.011 0.578 0.737
IFmax of 1st quarter 7.224 7.224 5.538 3.466 16.903
IFmin of 1st quarter 0.904 0.807 1.425 0.795 0.957
IFmax of 2nd quarter 0.851 0.777 1.394 0.790 0.954
IFmin of 2nd quarter 0.529 0.537 0.864 0.451 0.585
IFmax of 3rd quarter 0.513 0.513 0.859 0.450 0.584
IFmin of 3rd quarter 0.248 0.286 0.388 0.208 0.280
IFmax of 4th quarter 0.226 0.260 0.387 0.205 0.278
IFmin of 4th quarter 0.004 0.003 0.004 0.002 0.001
ID=454873 Created 05.10.2023 SNIP::IZUM
100 a2022cArs Adriaticah3i15j0.017
120 f1848-1590
200 e1848-1590
210 a1848-7459
400 c1206dConservationu89/91x0.670y0.004z0.2260417.22420.90430.85140.52950.51360.24870.22680.004
400 c1209dMuseologyu55/56x0.702y0.003z0.2600417.22420.80730.77740.53750.51360.28670.26080.003
400 c1201dArts and Humanities (miscellaneous)u364/369x1.011y0.004z0.3870415.53821.42531.39440.86450.85960.38870.38780.004
400 c1213dVisual Arts and Performing Artsu477/491x0.578y0.002z0.2050413.46620.79530.79040.45150.45060.20870.20580.002
400 c1202dHistoryu1243/1264x0.737y0.001z0.27804116.90320.95730.95440.58550.58460.28070.27880.001