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No. Journal title Year ISSN Impact factor
1. ACS Sensors 2022 2379-3694 1.539
2. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics 2022 1509-409X 0.447
3. Advances in Biomembranes and Lipid Self-Assembly 2022 2451-9634 0.362
4. Animal Biotechnology 2022 1049-5398/1532-2378 0.631
5. Annual Review of Biophysics 2022 1936-122X/1936-1238 3.276
6. APL Bioengineering 2022 2473-2877 1.132
7. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 2022 0273-2289 0.795
8. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics 2022 1176-2322/1754-2103 0.851
9. Artificial Organs 2022 0160-564X/1525-1594 0.989
10. ASAIO Journal 2022 1058-2916/1538-943X 1.346
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