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No. Journal title Year ISSN Impact factor
21. ChemCatChem 2022 1867-3880/1867-3899 0.867
22. ChemElectroChem 2022 2196-0216 0.638
23. Chemical Communications 2022 1359-7345/1364-548X 0.902
24. Chemical Industry and Engineering 2022 1004-9533 0.047
25. Chemistry - A European Journal 2022 0947-6539/1521-3765 0.899
26. Chemistry Africa 2022 2522-5758/2522-5766 0.724
27. Chinese Journal of Catalysis 2022 0253-9837/1872-2067 1.824
28. Chirality 2022 0899-0042/1520-636X 0.632
29. Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 2022 2452-2236 1.539
30. Current Organocatalysis 2022 2213-3372/2213-3380 0.547
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