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48 49 50
hits: 7,624
No. Journal title Year ISSN Impact factor
491. IEEE Transactions on Computers 2021 0018-9340 1.701
492. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 2021 2168-2267/2168-2275 3.484
493. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 2021 1089-778X 5.428
494. IEEE Transactions on Games 2021 2475-1502/2475-1510 1.758
495. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2021 1057-7149 3.083
496. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 2021 0278-0062/1558-254X 3.838
497. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 2021 1536-1233 2.030
498. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 2021 2162-237X/2162-2388 3.199
499. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 2021 0162-8828 7.182
500. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 2021 0098-5589 3.320
48 49 50
hits: 7,624