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Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, Maribor (EPF)
POSLOVALNI ČAS/ IZPOSOJA NA DOM: Ponedeljek, Sreda, Petek 8.30 - 14.00. Torek, Četrtek 8.30 - 17.00. ČITALNICA: Ponedeljek, Torek, Sreda, Četrtek 8.30 - 17.00, Petek 8.30 - 14.00.
  • Economies of scale: an empirical investigation of the Slovenian daily newspaper industry
    Pušnik, Ksenja
    Economic theory and empirical evidence suggest that the dominant economic factor, which has greatly influenced the degree of market concentration in newspaper industry and impinges directly on public ... policy discussions, is the presence of economies of scale. The article assesses the existence of (dis)economies of scale in Slovenian daily newspaper industry by quantifying the relationship between circulation and cost-revenue components. After pointing to some methodological questions, the article concentrate on empirical results and debate about the role (dis)economies of scale have in determining the structure of daily newspaper industry in Slovenia. The empirical evidence indicate economies of scale with regard to total revenues and disecenomies of scale with regard to total costs in Slovenian daily newspapers in 1999. The article concludes that the concentration in Slovenian newspaper market does not appear to be motivated by consideration of economiesof scale.
    Vrsta gradiva - prispevek na konferenci
    Leto - 2001
    Jezik - angleški
    COBISS.SI-ID - 5893404