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FF, Osrednja humanistična knjižnica, Ljubljana (FFLJ)
OHK FF oddelčne knjižnice bodo imele v času poletnih mesecev nekoliko prilagojene urnike. Poletne urnike si lahko ogledate:
Poletni urniki
  • Reading health and the reading health index [Elektronski vir]
    Gerčar, Jaka ; Weel, Adriaan van der
    This paper introduces Reading Health as a concept to help chart the collective reading habits of the individuals that make up a society—at any aggregate level. Now that the digital medium is ... transforming reading practices, and particularly the position of paper books and longform reading in society, the authors suggest a thorough examination of prevalent assumptions about reading and a fresh formulation of explicit reading aims for the future. The concept of Reading Health (RH) is paired with a corresponding Reading Health Index (RHI), an instrument to benchmark and keep track of changes in a society’s Reading Health over time.
    Vir: Societies [Elektronski vir]. - ISSN 2075-4698 (Vol. 13, iss. 4, 2023, str. 1-8)
    Vrsta gradiva - e-članek ; neleposlovje za odrasle
    Leto - 2023
    Jezik - angleški
    COBISS.SI-ID - 176857859