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  • Dejavniki tveganja za smrt ali poškodbo voznika osebnega vozila v prometni nezgodi v Sloveniji = Risk factors for death or injury of car driver in traffic accidents in Slovenia
    Rok-Simon, Mateja
    Starting-points: In Slovenia traffic accidents are the main cause of mortalityand the second most frequent cause for the hospitalizations due to injuries. Up to the present there were to performed ... researches which would estimate the influence of known risk factors on death or injuries of driver intraffic accident in Slovenia. Methods: Research of cases and control, matched by age and gender was performed. In it Slovenian citizens were encomparised, aged 18 years or more, drivers of personal cars, labelled by police as causes of traffic accidents in the year 1996 in Slovenia. In univariate statistic analysis for matched paired data, the odds with 95% confidence interval were calculated and the null hypothesis checked with McNemar's chi-square test and rejected with 5% risk. Results: Research showed that the important risk factors for the onset of injury or death of the driverin traffic accident in Slovenia are: alcohol intoxication (OR=3,77; 95% CI=3,23-4,40), excessive speed (OR=2.16; 1,92-2,42), unapplied seat belt (OR=6,95; 5,80-8,32), loss of car control before accident (OR=3,06; 2,66-3,52), collision in object or overturning (OR=4,23; 3,66-4,88), night driving (OR=2,05; 1,79-2,34), driving during the weekend (OR=1,34; 1,19-1,52) and driving out of settlements with streets (OR=2,82; 2,46-3,23). Research didnot confirm that the weather and the state of road are a statistically significant factor for the injury or death in traffic accident. Conclusions: Preventive strategy for the reduction of the number of heavy accidents should be directed first of all into the changed risk behavior, but this can be effective only when combined with adequate legislation and police control.
    Vir: Zdravstveno varstvo : Slovenian journal of public health. - ISSN 0351-0026 (Letn. 38, št. 11/12, 1999, str. 379-385)
    Vrsta gradiva - članek, sestavni del
    Leto - 1999
    Jezik - slovenski
    COBISS.SI-ID - 10963417