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Naročanje gradiva za izposojo na dom
Naročanje gradiva za izposojo v čitalnice
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Urnik dostave gradiva z oznako DS v signaturi
  • The effect of a material's heterogeneity on the stress and strain distribution in the vicinity of a crack front = Vpliv heterogenosti materiala na porazdelitev napetosti in deformacije v bližini konice razpoke
    Kozak, Dražan ; Gubeljak, Nenad ; Vojvodič-Tuma, Jelena
    In this investigation a high-strength low-alloyed (HSLA) steel of the 700-MPa strength class was used as a base material. A butt-welded joint with X grooves was produced with an overmatched weld ... metal that had a yield strength 23 % greater than that of the base material. Three-point bending B x 2B test specimens (thickness B = 36 mm) were extracted from the welded joints. The straight crack front (a0 = 35,571 mm) crosses different microstructures through the thickness of the specimen. Both fracture-mechanics tests and a 3D finite-element analysis were performed. The CTOD parameter of the fracture toughness was measured and calculated numerically. The loading level at which stable crack growth occurred was also determined. The comparison of the experimental and numerical values of the CTOD (bs) displacements showed good agreement. The principal stress, ▫$/delta_{y}$▫, the Mises equivalent stress, ▫$/delta_{eq}$▫. and the plastic equivalent strain, ▫$/epsilon_{pl, eq}$▫, at the moment of crack initiation were studied for six equidistant layers from the surface to the mid-thickness of the specimen. The dependence of the crack-opening stress (denoted as ax in this paper) on the local fracture-toughness value was considered as the parameter which determines the direction of the crack-front propagation. The results show that the lower strength of the base metal contributes to the crack-path deviation in the mid-thickness of the specimen. Both the crack-path deviation and the higher toughness of the base metal increase the critical fracture toughness value of the welded joint.
    Vir: Materiali in tehnologije = Materials and technology. - ISSN 1580-2949 (Letn. 41, št. 1, jan.-feb. 2007, str. 41-46)
    Vrsta gradiva - članek, sestavni del
    Leto - 2007
    Jezik - angleški
    COBISS.SI-ID - 11145494

vir: Materiali in tehnologije = Materials and technology. - ISSN 1580-2949 (Letn. 41, št. 1, jan.-feb. 2007, str. 41-46)

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