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  • Sindrom post-polio v Sloveniji: rezultati študije 100 ljudi, ki so preboleli otroško paralizo = Post-polio syndrome in Slovenia: results of a survey of 100 polio survivors
    Burger, Helena ; Marinček, Črt
    Background. The purpose of our work was to find out how many persons who in their childhood suffered from poliomyelitis, suffer now from subsequent problems, what these problems are, and how they ... effect functional ability and life satisfaction of the persons in question. Methods. A questionnaire with a list of subsequent problems typical of post-polio syndrome, problems in walking, using means of public transport, problems in activities of daily living (ADL) (Nottingham Extended Scale), and with an evaluation of life satisfaction (Life Satisfaction Measure), was sent to all persons (207) who atleast once in the last five years visited the orthotic clinic at the Institute of Rehabilitation, Republic of Slovenia. We received a hundred questionaires. All persons did not answer all of the questions. Results. Our findings show that a large number of persons who suffred from poliomyelitis, now from subsequent problems, the majority of which involve fatigue, differenty types of pain, decrease in energy and an increased weakness of previously affected muscles. The problems result in difficulties inwalking, using means of public transport, coping with ADL, and they also result in adecrase of life satisfaction. Conclusions. Since subsequent impairments result in additional disabilities and handicaps, and also decrease life satisfaction, they call for a timely identification, examination and treatmentin order to prevent their further and unnecessary effect on the quality of life.
    Vrsta gradiva - članek, sestavni del
    Leto - 1998
    Jezik - slovenski
    COBISS.SI-ID - 8150489