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Urnik dostave gradiva z oznako DS v signaturi
  • Zmanjševanje alergijskih obolenj z obveščanjem o pelodni ogroženosti = Reducing of allergies with the help of information on pollen threat
    Kofol-Seliger, Andreja ; Berger, Tatjana ; Macarol-Hiti, Metka
    In Slovenia pollen is continuously monitored since 1996. The volumetric spore trap according to Hirst, located in Ljubljana, is used. Information on pollentiming and intensity of occurrence in ... Ljubljana region for the followingplants is given: hazel (Corylus L.), alder (Alnus Mill.), birch (Betula L.), grasses (Poaceae), wormwood (Artemisia L.) anlation of pollen concentration of grasses and ragweed in 1997 is shown, and the dependence of pollen concentration of hazel and alder from maximal daily temperatures andprecipitations during February and March 1996. Ragweed pollen was airborn in the years 1996 and 1997. Concentration according to individual days exceeded the threshold value for the sensibilisation of atopic persons. Regweed pollen is from a local source.
    Vir: Zdravstveno varstvo : Slovenian journal of public health. - ISSN 0351-0026 (Letn. 37, št. 11/12, 1998, str. 489-492)
    Vrsta gradiva - članek, sestavni del
    Leto - 1998
    Jezik - slovenski
    COBISS.SI-ID - 9476569