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Miklošičeva knjižnica - FPNM, Maribor (PEFMB)

Miklošičeva knjižnica - FPNM bo od 17. 6. 2024 do 30. 9. 2024 odprta vsak dan od ponedljka do petka od 8.00 do 14.00.

Kolektiv Miklošičeve knjižnice - FPNM
  • Sound symbolic expressions of 'good' and 'bad' [Elektronski vir]
    Jurančič, Klementina ; Stojov, Nataša
    The present paper deals with the increasingly popular dispute about whether a natural connection exists between language (words and their form) and the meanings words convey. Proponents of ... arbitrariness claim that there is no such connection and the form of the word for a certain concept has nothing to do with the meaning it conveys. We wish to show that such a connection does exist, especially in the sound symbolic expression of 'good' and 'bad' in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter, since one of the main themes in this series is the struggle between good and evil. Names of the main protagonists will be analysed in terms of previously established sound symbolic meanings of brilliance and magnitude, which will thus serve as a basis for determining the sound symbolic meaning of goodness at the level of sound, cluster and word (name). The latter will then be matched to the characters of the protagonists in order to establish whether the author had alongside alliteration intuitively used synesthetic sound symbolism to support the characterization of her main protagonists.
    Vrsta gradiva - prispevek na konferenci
    Leto - 2016
    Jezik - angleški
    COBISS.SI-ID - 22766600