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JESENSKI DELOVNI ČAS (od 26. 8. 2024 do 27. 9. 2024)
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Knjižnica bo izjemoma zaprta v torek, 24. 9. 2024.
  • The rich and the pure : Philanthropy and the making of Christian society in early Byzantium
    Caner, Daniel
    As the Roman Empire broke down in western Europe, its prosperity moved decisively eastward, to what is now known as the Byzantine Empire. Here was born history's first truly affluent, multifaceted ... Christian society. One of the ideals used to unite the diverse millions of people living in this vast realm was the Christianized ideal of philanthropia. In this sweeping cultural and social history, Daniel Caner shows how philanthropy required living up to Jesus's injunction to "Give to all who ask of you," by offering mercy and/or material aid to every human being, regardless of their origin or status.0Caner shows how Christian philanthropy became articulated through distinct religious ideals of giving that helped define proper social relations among the rich, the poor, and "the pure" (Christian holy people), resulting in new and enduring social expectations. In tracking the evolution of Christian giving over three centuries, he brings to the fore the concerns of the peoples of Early Byzantium, from the countryside to the lower levels of urban society to the imperial elites, as well as the hierarchical relationships that arose among them. The Rich and the Pure offers nothing less than a portrait of the whole of early Byzantine society
    Vrsta gradiva - knjiga ; neleposlovje za odrasle
    Založništvo in izdelava - Berkeley : University of California Press, 2021
    Jezik - angleški
    ISBN - 978-0-520-38158-2
    COBISS.SI-ID - 116203267

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Pravna fakulteta, Ljubljana
prosto - na dom, čas izposoje: 1 mes.
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IN: 0143406
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IN: 0143406
prosto - na dom, čas izposoje: 1 mes.
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