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JESENSKI DELOVNI ČAS (od 26. 8. 2024 do 27. 9. 2024)
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Knjižnica bo izjemoma zaprta v torek, 24. 9. 2024.
  • Legal aspects of digitalisa... (naslovnica)
    Legal aspects of digitalisation in EU company law
    Bohinc, Rado, 1949-
    The article presents legal solutions of the European Union (EU) and Member States (MS) with respect to the digitalisation of company law. We analyse and evaluate the EU’s efforts to overcome the ... backlog of legislation concerning technological development, with legal solutions in the field of the electronic formation and registration of companies and in shareholders’ communication with company board members. The analysis shows that company law in the EU is lagging behind technological development. Despite ongoing dynamic efforts to modernise it on the EU level, the MS reveal differences in their speed of implementing the EU’s directives. The case of Slovenia shows that while digital tools are in wide use for ensuring transparent data disclosure and publication, along with the realisation of basic corporate governance functions, big differences remain between the minority of companies traded on the regulated market and the majority of companies for which such regulation is deficient
    Vir: Teorija in praksa : revija za družbena vprašanja. - ISSN 0040-3598 (Letn. 59, št. 3, 2022, str. 707-728, 786)
    Vrsta gradiva - članek, sestavni del
    Leto - 2022
    Jezik - angleški
    COBISS.SI-ID - 127971075

Digitalne vsebine: dCOBISS


vir: Teorija in praksa : revija za družbena vprašanja. - ISSN 0040-3598 (Letn. 59, št. 3, 2022, str. 707-728, 786)

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