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JESENSKI DELOVNI ČAS (od 26. 8. 2024 do 27. 9. 2024)
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Knjižnica bo izjemoma zaprta v torek, 24. 9. 2024.
  • The future of banking
    Štiblar, Franjo
    The future of banking is determined by current situation in banking, banking reforms undertaken and the perspectives (growth) of the real economy. Current situation in banking is not good, reforms ... will try to stabilise sector at the expense of its profitability, and economic growth prospects are mediocre. All this indicates weak future prospects for banking. But, perspectives for banks differ among regions, countries and among banks: banking in emerging markets will prosper and overtake developed economies in bank credit volume in a decade or two. Business of international banking will continue to grow faster than intra-country business, if issues of international coordination are solved satisfactory. Adoption of new regulation for financial sector and its implementation goes too slowly and the level playing field for banks is not assured which will cause further tensions. Key words: Banking, Basel III, level playing field, financial reform.
    Vir: Long-term fix for eurozone problems : special issue (Vol. 60, no. 10, nov. 2011, str. 8-19)
    Vrsta gradiva - članek, sestavni del ; neleposlovje za odrasle
    Leto - 2011
    Jezik - angleški
    COBISS.SI-ID - 518108185

vir: Long-term fix for eurozone problems : special issue (Vol. 60, no. 10, nov. 2011, str. 8-19)

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