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Univerza na Primorskem Univerzitetna knjižnica - vsi oddelki (UPUK)
  • Discussing the social, communal as an opportunity for social pedagogy
    Bogdan Zupančič, Ana ; Marovič, Mateja
    New age social/humanistic discussions, mainly in the sociological and philosophical field, are starting to question the role and meaning of community in education. Neoliberalism, together with ... capitalism and emphasizing the individual, can in its extreme lead to complete isolation of an individual who is entirely responsible for his own fate. The questions, which open the social field and relate to the context, life circumstances and numerous other social factors, stress the role and meaning of the community and society in the life of each member as well. In a unique way social pedagogy can provide the answers to these questions as it is an idea (science) constituted on the relationship and tensions between the individual and community, society. As such it is always embedded in the sociopolitical activities and individual national contexts. However, because of its socially- critical reflexive stance social pedagogy always warns about social inequalities, social injustice and structural violence. The added value of this practical science is definitely in the fact that it does not adopt this stance only through emancipatory theoretical considerations (due to the lack of theoretical discussions this is actually done seldom) but through concrete activities in a very diverse and holistic social pedagogical practice. Theoretical and comparative analysis is used to research the potential of social pedagogy as a science and practice in modern neoliberalism and turbo-capitalist society. Social pedagogy is defined as an alternative to the extremely individualized pedagogy - which disables (social and other) contextual insights - and other related disciplines and we show possible applications of this alternative mostly in the field of education and schooling.
    Vrsta gradiva - prispevek na konferenci ; neleposlovje za odrasle
    Leto - 2019
    Jezik - angleški
    COBISS.SI-ID - 1541677508