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  • The thorny way of European ...
    Šimunković, Gordana; Buterin, Toni; Muzur, Amir

    Nova prisutnost, 01/2022, Letnik: XX, Številka: 2
    Journal Article

    The ambiguity of the term bioethics has brought different views and has resulted in the development of European bioethics, which relies on the postulates of Fritz Jahr. The intention of this paper is to follow the development of the idea of European Bioethics by analyzing the growth of the journal Jahr – European Journal of Bioethics. Undoubtedly, Jahr had to counterbalanced mainstream bioethics (medical ethics) with the emerging European Bioethics based on Fritz Jahr’s and Van Rensselaer Potter’s original teachings, Euro-Mediterranean (and other non-Anglo-American) values, and the Integrative Bioethics methodology. Due to the broadness of the pluri-perspective approach, Jahr slipped into »thematic inconsistency« and its epistemological »rebelliousness« certainly will remain a problem for a long time. Višeznačnost pojma bioetika donijela je različite poglede i rezultirala razvojem europske bioetike koja se oslanja na postulate Fritza Jahra. Namjera ovog rada je praćenje razvoja ideje europske bioetike analizom razvoja časopisa Jahr – European Journal of Bioethics. Jahr je nedvojbeno morao uravnotežiti mainstream bioetiku (medicinsku etiku) s europskom bioetikom u nastajanju koja se temelji na izvornim učenjima Fritza Jahra i Van Rensselaera Pottera, euro-mediteranskim (i drugim neangloameričkim) vrijednostima i metodologiji integrativne bioetike. Zbog širine pluriperspektivnog pristupa, Jahr je skliznuo u »tematsku nedosljednost« i njegova epistemološka »buntovnost« zasigurno će još dugo ostati problem.