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  • Utjecaj laserskog predtretm...
    Voća, Sandra; Borna Pavić, Nick; Šic Žlabur, Jana; Pliestić, Stjepan; Galić, Ante

    Pomologia Croatica, 08/2021, Letnik: 24, Številka: 1-4
    Journal Article, Paper

    Grožđe se uglavnom suši u svrhu proizvodnje grožđica te aromatiziranja i proizvodnje desertnih vina. Glavni ciljevi sušenja grožđa su skraćivanje trajanja postupka a time i smanjivanje troškova uz zadržavanje zadovoljavajućih nutritivnih i senzorskih svojstava. Neinvazivne tehnike kao što je laser mogu se primijeniti kao predtretman sušenju. Primjena lasera male izlazne snage izaziva više pozitivnih reakcija na biljnom materijalu, što pruža mogućnosti njihove široke primjene u preradi i doradi poljoprivrednih proizvoda. Analize su provedene na sortama Muškat Hamburg i Traminac. Sušenje kontrolnog uzorka i bobica tretiranih laserom (izlazne snage 100 i 200 mW) provedeno je u laboratorijskoj sušnici na temperaturi od 40 ºC. Vrijeme trajanja konvekcijskog sušenja sorte Traminac bilo je nešto kraće u odnosu na sortu Muškat Hamburg. Kod sorte Muškat Hamburg skraćivanje vremena sušenja zabilježeno je kod tretmana 100 mW laserom u trajanju od 60 s, dok je kod sorte Traminac skraćivanje vremena sušenja zabilježeno kod uzoraka predtretiranih laserom od 100 i 200 mW u trajanju od 60 s. Grapes are mainly dried for the purpose of raisin production and aromatization and production of dessert wines. The main goals of grape drying are to shorten the duration of the process and to reduce costs while maintaining nutritional and sensory properties. Non-invasive techniques such as laser can be applied as pre-treatment for drying. The use of low-power lasers causes more positive reactions on plant material, which provides opportunities for their widespread use in processing and finishing of agricultural products. Analyses were performed on Muscat Hamburg and Traminac grape varieties. Drying of the control sample and laser-treated berries (with output powers 100 and 200 mW) was performed in the laboratory dryer at a temperature of 40 ºC. The duration of convection drying was shorter for the Traminac variety than for the Muscat Hamburg variety. A reduction in drying time was observed for the variety Muscat Hamburg with laser treatment 100 mW during 60 s, while a reduction in drying time was observed for the variety Traminac at 100 and 200 mW laser during 60 s pretreatment.