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  • The Origen of Pico’s Kabbalah
    Terracciano, Pasquale

    Journal of the history of ideas, 07/2018, Letnik: 79, Številka: 3
    Journal Article

    The importance of Origen of Alexandria’s legacy for Giovanni Pico della Mirandola has been widely debated for its role in Pico’s trial, its possible reverberations on the entire “Apology,” and its assonance with the Pichian idea of the dignity of man. This article aims instead to show the substantial role of Origen in shaping the Pichian construction of the Christian Kabbalah’s tradition. This scrutiny, by clarifying the extent of the Origenian influence as well as Pico's rhetorial strategies, helps to put the Pichian idea of the freedom of man in a new framework.