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    Krpan, Kristina; Pikić, Aleksandra; Đukec Kero, Ivančica

    Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske, 10/2018, Letnik: 61, Številka: 1
    Journal Article

    Cilj . Ovim istraživanjem željelo se saznati u kojoj su mjeri Zagrepčani i Zagrepčanke otvoreni prema uslugama najmodernijih europskih i svjetskih narodnih knjižnica, a koje bi im nova gradska knjižnica mogla ponuditi. Metodologija . Istraživanje se provelo metodom ankete, i to njezinom mrežnom inačicom, u razdoblju od 19. srpnja do 19. rujna 2017. godine na uzorku od 1311 ispitanika. Anketni upitnik bio je sastavljen od tri dijela. Prvi dio ankete sastojao se od 28 tvrdnji koje su tematski opisivale knjižnične usluge, fizički prostor i smještaj građe, dodatne usluge i dodatne pogodnosti. U drugom dijelu ankete ispitanicima je bilo omogućeno slobodno komentiranje, dok su se na kraju nalazila demografska pitanja o spolu i dobi ispitanika. Rezultati . Rezultati su pokazali da je ispitanicima općenito jako važno u novoj knjižnici imati usluge poput npr. besplatnog bežičnog interneta, pristupa bazama podataka i/ili priključnih mjesta za korisničke uređaje. Žene su reagirale pozitivnije od muškaraca kada je u pitanju mogućnost pristupa bazama podataka, dostupnost prostora za grupni i individualni rad, raspoloživost većeg broj računala, uređaja za samozaduživanje i samorazduživanje itd. Statistički značajne razlike našle su se i među različitim dobnim skupinama ispitanika. Najčešće su se u mišljenju razlikovale skupine ispitanika u dobi od 16 do 24 godine naspram onih od 55 do 64 godine. Najmlađi ispitanici bili su suzdržaniji po pitanju predloženih usluga i pogodnosti, dok je spomenuta skupina starijih ispitanika iskazala veću otvorenost prema novinama. Činjenica da su mlađi ispitanici konzervativniji u pogledu onoga što im knjižnica može ponuditi u odnosu na njihove 40 godina starije sugrađane svojevrsno je iznenađenje. Originalnost/vrijednost . U kampanji za novu zgradu Gradske knjižnice u Zagrebu posljednjih godina izmijenilo se mnogo aktera, održani su okrugli stolovi, izložbe, ispunjeni brojni obrasci i prijave, no nedostajala je najvažnija karika – građani Zagreba. Ovim istraživanjem Knjižnice grada Zagreba pozvale su građane da iskažu svoje mišljenje o tome što bi im Gradska knjižnica trebala predstavljati i nuditi. Purpose. This research aimed to explore the openness of the citizens of Zagreb to the services of modern European and world public libraries in order to find out whether they are ready for such a library in Zagreb. Methodology. The survey was conducted using the online version of survey method, from 19th July to 19th September 2017, on a sample of 1,311 respondents. The question-naire was composed of three parts. The first part of the survey consisted of 28 statements that covered the library services, space and design, shelving arrangement, additional services and additional benefits. In the second part of the survey, the respondents were allowed to comment freely. Demographic questions about gender and age of the re-spondents were set at the end of the questionnaire. Findings . The results have shown that it is generally very important for the respondents that a new library would offer services such as free wireless internet, access to data-bases and/or user access points. Women responded more positively than men regarding access to databases, availability of space for group and individual work, availability of a larger number of computers, self-servicing devices, etc. Statistically significant differences were found between different age groups of respondents. The most significant differences were between two groups of respondents – those aged from 16 to 24 years and the others aged from 55 to 65 years. The youngest respondents were more reluctant about the proposed new services and benefits, while the group of older respondents expressed greater openness to the novelties. The finding that younger respondents are more conservative about the new library services as compared to their 40 years older fellow citizens is a kind of surprise. Originality/value. In the campaign for the new building of the City Library in Zagreb, many protagonists have been changed over the last few years, many round tables and exhibitions have been organized, numerous forms and applications have been filled. Despite all this, the most important missing link were the citizens of Zagreb themselves. The Zagreb City Libraries invited citizens to express their opinions about what the new building of the City Library should represent, which services it should offer, and what contents it should have