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  • Otok Hvar - destinacija kul...
    Razović, Mili; Razović, Petar

    Elektronički Zbornik Radova Veleučilišta u Šibeniku, 2021, Letnik: 15, Številka: 1-2
    Journal Article, Paper

    Počeci organiziranog turizma na otoku Hvaru datiraju od 1868. godine kada je utemeljeno Higijenično društvo Hvar, a glavni motiv dolaska turista na otok bili su povoljni klimatski uvjeti. Razvoj turizma na otoku Hvaru odvijao se u skladu s općim procesima pri čemu su glavni motivi dolaska turista bili kupanje i sunčanje. Istovremeno se valoriziraju prirodne datosti, sport, zabava ali i ponuda kulturnog turizma koja je izrazito bogata na cijelom otoku. Bogatstvo kulturne baštine potvrđuje i činjenica da su na UNESCO-ovu popisu materijalne i nematerijalne baštine uvršteni: Starogradsko polje-Ager, hvarska čipka od agave, hvarska gastronomija-starograjski paprenjak, procesija „Za križen“ i klapsko pjevanje. U visoko vrijedne kulturne atrakcije spadaju i Grapčeva špilja, sustav tvrđava u Hvaru i Vrboskoj, samostani u Hvaru i Starom Gradute drugi sakralni objekti sa svojim bogatim umjetničkim fundusom. Posebnost otočne ruralne i urbane arhitekture daje dodatnu dimenziju otoka Hvara kao destinacije kulturnog turizma. Na temelju analize resursne osnove predlaže se poboljšanje ponude kulturnog turizma i njegova nova funkcija u razvoju turizma otoka Hvara. The first beginnings of organized tourism on the island of Hvar date back to 1868 when the Hygienic Society of Hvar was founded and the main motive for the arrival of tourists on the island are favorable climatic conditions.The development of tourism on the island of Hvar took place in accordance with general processes where the main motives for the arrival of tourists were swimming and sunbathing. At the same time, natural resources, sports, entertainment and the off er of cultural tourism, which is extremely present on the entire island, are being valorized. The richness of cultural heritage is confi rmed by the fact that the UNESCO list of tangible and intangible heritage includes: Starogradsko polje - Ager, Hvar agave lace, Hvar gastronomy - Starogradski paprenjak, procession “Behind the Cross” and Klapa singing.Highly valuable cultural attractions certainly include Grapčeva špilja, the system of fortresses in Hvar and Vrboska, monasteries in Hvar and Stari Grad, as well as other sacral buildings with their rich artistic holdings. The peculiarity of the island’s rural and urban architecture gives an additional dimension to the island of Hvar as a destination for cultural tourism. Based on the analysis of the resource base, it is proposed to improve the off er of cultural tourism and its new function in the development of tourism on the island of Hvar.Based on the analysis of the resource base, it is proposed to improve the off er of cultural tourism and its new function in the development of tourism on the island of Hvar.