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  • Kolić, Damir

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    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- The shipbuilding industry is very competitive, and shipyard management must strive to improve productivity as a way of keeping up with the competition. Analysis of the assembling of interim products through shipyard process lanes is important from a standpoint of modern shipbuilding techniques and methods which includes the lean manufacturing and design for production concepts. Whereas the design for production concept has bean readily applied in many shipyards, a lean manufacturing methodology for shipyards is lacking. Therefore, the aim of this dissertation is to provide a methodology for improving flow of interim products by applying the lean manufacturing concept. Since shipyard management is usually not sure how to approach a transformation of its facilities due to the risks involved, this dissertation couples lean transformation with risk analysis to compare the key parameter for comparing productivity, man-hours. Based upon this it is clear that while making design for production (DFP) changes will improve productivity up to 30% when technology changes are made in complement with methodology changes, application of the lean manufacturing methodology brings productivity improvements of 60%.- Brodograđevna industrija je vrlo konkurentna i uprave brodogradilišta moraju nastojati poboljšati proizvodnju radi održavanja položaja na tržištu. Analiziranje načina sastavljanja međuproizvoda kroz brodograđevni proces je važno sa stajališta modernih brodograđevnih tehnika i metoda koje uključuju koncepte vitke proizvodnje i projektiranja za proizvodnju. Dok se koncept projektiranja za proizvodnju koristio u mnogim brodogradilišta, metodologija za vitku proizvodnju nedostaje. Cilj ove disertacije je omogučiti metodologiju za poboljšanje protoka međuproizvoda kroz primjenu koncepta vitke proizvodnje. Uprave brodogradilišta često puta nisu sigurne kako najbolje pristupiti transformaciji svojih postrojenja radi postojećih rizika. Ova diseratcija povezuje vitku transformaciju sa analizom rizika radi usporedbe ključnog parametra u uspoređivanju produktivnosti, efektivnih radni sati. Postaje jasno kako kreiranje promjene korištenjem koncepta projektiranja za proizvodnju poboljšava proizvodnju do 30% kada promjene na tehnologiji se naprave komplementarno sa metodologijom, dok aplikacija koncepta vitke proizvodnje donosi poboljšanje proizvodnje od 60%.- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana