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  • Reflections on the current ...
    Caillosse, Jacques

    Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu, 02/2016, Letnik: 53, Številka: 1
    Journal Article

    Naslov ovog izvješća poziva na „sveobuhvatno“ čitanje ove teme koja veći naglasak stavlja na glavne trendove u nadzoru, nego što predlaže podrobnu analizu različitih tehnika nadzora uprave i javnog djelovanja. Zato ćemo nastojati prikazati najznačajnije pokrete, kao što su oni koji utječu na samu strukturu sustava nadzora uprave. Stoga smo se odlučili vrednovati temu promjene, koja se javlja 80.-tih godina, uzimajući francusko iskustvo kao glavnu referencu. Ako se promatraju kroz prizmu promjene, o aktualnim problematikama nadzora uprava možemo izložiti tri pravca razmišljanja. Prvi se odnosi na utvrđivanje ključnih pokretača promjene. Kako bismo to izveli, moramo kratko predstaviti tri pojave koje mogu djelovati zajedno ili odvojeno: 1. Politička reorganizacija država i javnih uprava, 2. stalno obnavljanje demokratskog zahtjeva i 3. nastupanje menadžerske paradigme. Nakon ovog podsjetnika na pokretače promjene, razmišljanje može ići prema najvidljivijim oblicima promjene: istaknut ćemo dvije promjene, koje su komplementarne, ali moguće je i suprotstavljene, dok proširenju i produbljenju tradicionalnih oblika upravnosudske kontrole uprave, treba nadodati raznolikost u načinima provođenja nadzora nad javnim djelovanjem. U zaključku nam preostaje upitati se o dosegu promjena koje su u tijeku. Osim pitanja koje se odnosi na društvenu učinkovitost nadzora, treba postaviti i pitanje o njihovom doprinosu upravnoj demokraciji. The title of this report requires „all-inclusive“ reading on this topic which emphasises more the main trends in supervision rather than suggesting closer analysis of various techniques of administration and public activity supervision. That is why we will try to demonstrate the most significant movements such as those which influence the very structure of the system of administrative supervision. We have therefore decided to evaluate the topic of change which appeared in the 80's, taking into account the French experience as the main reference. If considered through the prism of change, we can present three lines of thinking on the current problem area of administrative supervision. The first is related to establishing the key moving forces of change. For us to implement this, we must briefly present three items which can act together or separately: 1. political reorganisation of states and public administrations, 2. constantly refreshing democratic demands and 3. the appearance of managerial paradigm. After this reminder of the moving forces of change, contemplation can move towards the most obvious forms of change: we will focus on two changes which are complimentary but are also possible contradictory while the widening and deepening of traditional forms of administrative court control must include diversity of the means of supervision implementation over public activity. In the conclusion, we have only to question the scope of change which is in force. Apart from the question related to the social efficiency of supervision, one must also raise the question of its contribution to administrative democracy. Il arrive que les énoncés les plus simples cachent de redoutables difficultés. Le problème est qu'elles n'apparaissent souvent qu'après coup, une fois les recherches engagées sur le thème innocemment proposé. C'est très exactement la situation inconfortable dans laquelle je me trouve ici ! Une chose est sûre : il me faut, pour développer le thème annoncé, en exposer préalablement les difficultés. Du sort réservé à ces dernières (A) dépend en effet le mode de traitement du sujet annoncé (B).