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  • Kontrolni mehanizmi djelova...
    Galić, Ante

    Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu, 02/2016, Letnik: 53, Številka: 1
    Journal Article

    U ovom radu autor analizira kontrolne mehanizme djelovanja upravnih sudova sagledavajući ih u njihovoj slojevitosti i sveobuhvatnosti, kroz kontrolne mehanizme koji omogućuju kontrolu ustavnosti i zakonitosti odluka sudova te kontrolne mehanizme propisane organizacijskim propisima, čija je svrha kontrola zakonitosti rada sudaca i predsjednika sudova. Prvi spektar kontrolnih mehanizama uglavnom derivira iz temeljnog zakona kojim je reguliran upravni spor (Zakon o upravnim sporovima), a djelomice i iz odredaba Ustava i Ustavnog zakona o Ustavnom sudu Republike Hrvatske, dok je drugi spektar kontrolnih mehanizama arhetipski vezan za organizacijske propise. Iako ova dva spektra kontrolnih mehanizama generiraju iz različite vrste propisa, nedvojbeno je kako oni zajedno čine jednu komplementarnu cjelinu kontrolnih mehanizama. In this paper the author analyses the control mechanisms of administrative court activity. The author considers them in their complexity and inclusiveness through control mechanisms which enable constitutionality and legality control of court decisions and through the control mechanisms proscribed by organisational regulations the aim of which is the control of the legality of judges' and presidents' of court work. The first spectre of control mechanisms mainly derives from the fundamental law which regulates administrative dispute (Administrative Dispute Act), and partly from the provisions of the Constitution and constitutional law on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia. The other spectre of control mechanisms is archetypically connected to organisational provisions. Even though these two spectres of control mechanisms emerge from different kinds of provisions, these two together undoubtedly constitute one complementary whole of control mechanisms.