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  • Levels of soya aeroallergen...
    Mason, Howard; Gómez-Ollés, Susana; Cruz, Maria-Jesus; Smith, Ian; Evans, Gareth; Simpson, Andrew; Baldwin, Peter; Smith, Gordon

    Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju, 3/2015, Letnik: 66, Številka: 1
    Journal Article

    Soya is an important worldwide agricultural product widely shipped and imported in bulk. It contains a number of recognised allergens and the use of soya products and its dockside unloading have been associated with occupational asthma and community episodes of asthma. Two recognised inhalation soya allergens, soya trypsin inhibitor (STI) and hydrophobic soya protein (HSP), were measured in personal and static air samples collected at a United Kingdom (UK) dock during 3 days of unloading three bulks of processed soya beans and soya pelletised husk. Static samples included task-related and those taken at the workplace perimeter and neighbouring sites. Soluble total protein (STP) and gravimetric dust analyses were also undertaken. While gravimetric dust results in personal air samples were below half of the current UK exposure limit of 10 mg m for grain dust, and generally less than 0.5 mg m for the static samples, airborne concentrations for STI and HSP ranged between 0-3,071 and 11-12,629 ng m , respectively, while the correlation between the two specific allergen measurements was generally good (Rank Spearman coefficient 0.74). The data from this investigation suggest that HSP is a more sensitive indicator of soya exposure than STI, but only for soya husk, while STI may be equipotent in detecting exposure to both hull and bean derived soya products. Both assays appear sensitive techniques for investigating the control of exposure to allergenic soy material. The endotoxin level in the husk bulk was 15-60-fold that found in the two chipped bean bulks. Soja je gotovo u cijelome svijetu važan poljoprivredni proizvod, pa se prevozi često i u velikim količinama. Sadrži mnoštvo poznatih alergena, a korištenje proizvoda od soje i rukovanje njima prilikom iskrcavanja robe povezivani su s pojavama profesionalne astme. Razine dvaju inhalacijskih alergena, soja tripsin inhibitora (STI) i hidrofobnog proteina sojina zrna (HSP), mjerene su u uzorcima zraka prikupljenim osobnim uzorkovačem i stacionarnim uzorkovačima u jednom britanskom lučkom doku tijekom 3 dana iskrcavanja triju pošiljaka prerađena sojina zrna i kuglica sojine mahune. Također je provedena analiza ukupnih topivih proteina i gravimetrijska analiza prašine. Rezultati gravimetrijske analize uzoraka prikupljenih osobnim uzorkovačem bili su dobrano ispod polovice trenutačne granice izloženosti u Velikoj Britaniji (10 mg m-3 za prašinu sjemena) i općenito ispod 0,5 mg m-3 kod statičnih uzoraka, a razine STI-a i HSP-a u zraku prikupljenom stacionarnim uzorkovačem bile su unutar raspona 0-3.071, odnosno 11-12.629 ng m-3. Korelacija između ta dva alergena bila je dobra (Rank Spearmanov koeficijent 0,74). Rezultati ovoga istraživanja pokazali su da je HSP precizniji pokazatelj izloženosti soji od STI-a, no samo za sojine mahune; STI bi mogao biti precizniji pokazatelj u pogledu proizvoda od sojine ljuske ili zrna. Obje su se vrijednosti pokazale preciznim tehnikama za praćenje izloženosti sojinim alergenima. Razina endotoksina u pošiljci sojinih mahuna bila je 15 do 60 puta veća od one u dvjema pošiljkama usitnjenog zrna.