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  • Pećinar Aleksandra


    The thesis is dedicated to the analysis of and research into Greek-Yugoslav diplomatic relations during the last Government of the Greek Prime Minister Eleftherios Venizelos (1928-1932), in the local setting of the Balkans, as well as in a wider, European context. The relationship between the two peoples, geographically close and directed to one another especially in the recent history of mutual diplomatic relations, was examined in the context of their changeability conditioned by the intricate political and ideological factors, as well as by economic and cultural factors of the complex interwar period. Particular attention is dedicated to the liaisons of Greece and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (Kingdom of Yugoslavia) in the given chronological outline, to the prehistory of their diplomatic communication, conditioned by their allied appearance on the international political scene from 1813. to 1923, as well as to the attempts to overcome a shift and chill in the official relations between Athens and Belgrade, recorded from 1923. to 1928, by means of bilateral negotiations and efforts to restore the former balance and cooperation. A special emphasis in the process of evaluation and defining of the factors that influenced the diplomacy of the two countries was placed on the “Macedonian issue”, which was the crucial cause for the inconsistency in their relations, both prior to and during the researched period - the term of the last Government of the Greek Prime Minister Venizelos. Further emphasis is given t o the influence of the Great Powers, France and Italy, on the resolving of Greek-Yugoslav disputes. The research also covered the effects of certain diplomatic initiatives for rapprochement between the two neighbours, undertaken by the representatives of the Greek foreign policy, including Mr. Venizelos himself, but also by the Yugoslav state establishment led by King Alexander Karageorgevich of Yugoslavia. In spite of the changed domestic circumstances in both countries, as well as the new redistribution of power on the international scene, this restoration of the close relations between Yugoslavia and Greece, that occurred at the beginning of the researched period, introduced the attempts to implement the idea of the Balkans pacification, and in a wider perspective served as the basis for realization of the intention to make the relations in the Balkans independent of the influence of the Great European Powers by signing a treaty between the Balkan states. The author concludes that the evolution of the Greek-Yugoslav relations was achieved through the official resolving of certain conflicting issues, though largely due to the involvement of the Great Powers, and despite the fact that it represented only one segment of the complex Balkan relations in the context of the new European interwar reality, it contributed to the process of establishing the new order in the Balkans, the order whose outlines were defined precisely in the researched period and context. Rad je posvećen istraživanju i analizi grčko-jugoslovenskih diplomatskih odnosa tokom poslednje vlade grčkog premijera, Elefteriosa Venizelosa, (1928-1932), u lokalnom, balkanskom okviru, kao i u širem evropskom kontekstu. Odnosi dva naroda, geografski bliska i upućena jedan na drugoga, posebno tokom novije istorije međusobnih diplomatskih veza, posmatrani su iz aspekta njihove promenljivosti pod uticajem složenih političko-ideoloških činilaca, ali i ekonomskih i kulturnih faktora kompleksnog međuratnog perioda. Naročita pažnja posvećena je vezama Grčke i Kraljevine Srba Hrvata i Slovenaca (Kraljevine Jugoslavije) u navedenim hronološkim okvirima, predistoriji njihove diplomatske komunikacije, određenom savezničkim nastupom na međunarodnoj političkoj sceni od 1913. do 1923, kao i nastojanjima da se zaokret i zahlađenje u zvaničnim relacijama Atine i Beograda, zabeleženi u razdoblju od 1923. do 1928, prevaziđu putem bilateralnih pregovora i uspostavljanja nekadašnje ravnoteže i obnove saradnje. Poseban akcenat u procesu evaluacije i definisanja činilaca koji su uticali na diplomatiju dveju zemalja, stavljen je na “makedonsku problematiku“, presudan faktor koji je uticao na promenljivost intenziteta njihovih odnosa, kako tokom ranijeg, tako i za vreme istraživanog perioda, vremena poslednje vlade grčkog premijera Venizelosa. Posebna pažnja poklonjena je uticaju velikih sila, Francuske i Italije, na razrešavanje grčko-jugoslovenskih razlika. Takođe, istraživani su i efekti pojedinih diplomatskih inicijativa na ponovnom približavanju dva suseda, pokretanih od strane predstavnika grčke spoljne politike, i samog Venizelosa, ali i jugoslovenskog državnog vrha, predvođenog kraljem Aleksandrom Karađorđevićem. Uprkos izmenjenim unutrašnjim političkim okolnostima u dve zemlje, kao i novoj preraspodeli snaga na međunarodnoj sceni, ovo ponovno zbližavanje Jugoslavije i Grčke, ostvareno početkom proučavanog perioda, predstavilo je uvod u pokušaje implementacije ideje o pacifikaciji Balkana, a na jednom širem planu, i osnovu za sprovođenje namere da se međubalkanski odnosi otrgnu od presudnog uticaja velikih evropskih sila putem potpisivanja jednog pakta balkanskih država. Autor zaključuje, da je evolucija u grčko-jugoslovenskim odnosima dostignuta zvaničnim razrešavanjem određenih konfliktnih pitanja, iako u velikoj meri ostvarena zahvaljujući političkim posredovanjem velikih sila, i predstavljajući samo segment složenih međubalkanskih odnosa u uslovima nove evropske realnosti međuratnog perioda, ipak doprinela procesu uspostavljanja jednog novog balkanskog poretka, kome su smernice definisane upravo u istraživanom razdoblju i kontekstu.