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  • Kapović Marijana


    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- This dissertation presents forest soils of Javor Mountain in the Republic of Srpska, based on field and laboratory research of basic physical and hemical characteristics. Javor mountain is located in east part of the Republic of Srpske, between municipalities Vlasenica, Han Pijesak and Kladanj (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina). Geographical direction of massif is northwest - southeast, and the highest peak is 1537 meters above sea namely Veliki Žep. Geologicaly is heterogeneous, the central part is covered by limestones, southern and southwestern slopes covers sandstones, cherts and claystones, north and northeast slopes are covered with limestones and cherts. Localy we found marl, lake sediments and peridotite. The area has mountain climate with continental influences. Average value of annual temperature at the lowest level of mountain is 6.2°C, and the highest point has 3.8°C. In vegetation period average precipitation is 583 mm or 57.7%. According to the size of the annual climate index, very humid climate dominated and with higher altutide becomes perhumid. The biggest surface of Javor Mountain is covered by beech fir and spruce forests (Piceo - Abieti - Fagetum, Stef., et al. 1983). The following types of soil are separated: ranker, black soil, eutric brown soil, dystric brown soil, brown soil, podzol, brown podzolized soil and illimerized soil. The most prevalent soil type on limestones are black soil and brown soil. Black soils are well developed, with variable depth, well structured, humic, with a high adsorptive complex. On the ridges, steep slopes black soils are highly endangered by erosion. Brown soil on limestone is moderately deep, mostly with moderate humus level, and productivity is determined by their depth and degree of rockiness and stouniness. Acid brown soil is the dominant soil type on silicates of Javor Mountain. These are mainly moderately to very deep soils. Humus is moder type. Loam texture with a stable spheroidal structure provides advantageous water - air regime. Eutric brown soil is developed on small parts of mountain. Texture depends of character of substrate. Podzols are connected with specific acidophilic conditions in small parts of Partizan field. Brown podzolic soils are developed in condition of lower substrate acidity and they are not as poor as podzols are. Illimerized soil is developed on limestone and silicate parent rock. It is very deep, textural diferentiated with high percent of humus. Despite textural diferentiation, due to the depth of ilimerized soil in terms of mountain climate, this is very productive soil covered by high qualitive forests of beech, fir and spruce; fir and spruce and beech forests.- U disertaciji su prikazana šumska zemljišta Javor planine u Republici Srpskoj, a na bazi terenskih i laboratorijskih istraživanja osnovnih fizičkih i hemijskih osobina. Planina Javor se nalazi u istočnom dijelu Republike Srpske između opština Vlasenica, Han Pijesak i Kladanj (Federacija BiH). Pravac pružanja masiva Javor jeste sjeverozapad – jugoistok, a najveći vrh je Veliki Žep 1537 mn.v. Geološki je heterogeno, centralnim dijelom dominiraju krečnjaci, južne i jugozapadne padine pokrivaju pješčari, rožnjaci i glinci, sjeverne i sjeveroistočne krečnjaci – rožnjaci. Lokalno ima laporaca, jezerskih sedimenata i peridotita. Područje ima obilježja planinske klime sa kontinentalnim uticajem. Vrijednost srednje godišnje temperature na donjoj granici rasprostranjenja iznosi 6,2°C, a na gornjoj granici visinskog pojasa 3,8°C. U vegetacionom periodu padne prosječno 583 mm odnosno 57,7%. Prema veličini godišnjeg klimatskog indeksa dominira jako humidna klima, sa povećanjem visine postaje perhumidna. Najveći dio masiva Javor pokrivaju šume bukve i jele sa smrčom (Piceo – Abieti – Fagetum, Stef., et al. 1983). Izdvojeni su sledeći tipovi zemljišta: crnica, ranker, eutrično smeđe zemljište, kiselo smeđe zemljište, smeđe zemljište na krečnjaku, podzol, brunipodzol i ilimerizovano zemljište. Najrasprostranjeniji tipovi zemljišta na krečnjacima crnica i smeđe zemljište. Crnice su dobro razvijene, varijabilne dubine, struktuirane i humozne. Na grebenima, strmim padinama veoma su ugrožene od erozije. Smeđe krečnjačko zemljište je srednje duboko, najčešće dobro obezbijeđeno humusom, a produktivnost mu je određena dubinom, stepenom stjenovitosti i kamenitosti. Kiselo smeđe zemljište je dominantan tip zemljišta na silikatima Javora. Ovo je uglavnom srednje duboko do duboko zemljište. Humus je tipa moder. Ilovasta tekstura uz stabilnu sferoidnu strukturu obezbijeđuju povoljan vodno – vazdušni režim. Eutrični kambisol je lokalno rasprostranjen, srednje dubok, humozan. Tekstura mu varira u zavisnosti od supstrata. Podzoli se javljaju lokalno u Partizan polju. Ovo je duboko, pjeskovito i veoma siromašno zemljište. Brunipodzoli se razvijaju u uslovima manje kiselosti supstrata i manje su siromašni od podzola. Ilimerizovano zemljište je razvijeno na krečnjačkoj i silikatnoj podlozi. Luvisol je veoma dubok, teksturno diferenciran, obezbijenen humusom. I pored izražene teksturne diferencijacije, zahvaljujući dubini luvisola u uslovima planinske klime, ovo su veoma produktivna zemljišta na kojima su rasprostranjenje visoke šume bukve, jele i smrče, jele i smrče, te šume bukve dobrog kvaliteta.- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana