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  • Marčić, Zoran

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    U ovom su radu prvi put istražene taksonomske te biološko-ekološke značajke riba iz roda Telestes na području Velike i Male Kapele. Uzorak je prikupljen elektroribolovom, a dodatni podaci prikupljeni su metodom opažanja tijekom ronjenja. Ovim je istraživanjem dokazano da na području istraživanja dolaze dvije vrste unutar ovog roda; svijetlica - T. polylepis sa sjeveroistočne strane i kapelska svijetlica - T. karsticus s jugozapadne strane planina Velike i Male Kapele. Znatno su se povećala znanja o rasprostranjenosti, morfometriji i meristici obiju vrsta te strukturi populacije, dužinsko-masenim odnosima, prehrani, starosti i rastu, razmnožavanju i smrtnosti kapelske svijetlice. Kapelska je svijetlica eurifagni omnivor i hrani se uglavnom makrozoobentosom, iako su u probavilu pronađeni i kopneni kukci, slatkovodni račići, ribe te alge i biljni materijal. Spolno je zrela u starosnoj kategoriji 1+, spada u litofile, a razmnožava se od sredine ožujka do sredine svibnja. Najstarija je jedinka kapelske svijetlice bila u starosnoj kategoriji 5+. In this thesis, the taxonomic, biological and ecological characteristics of the genus Telestes in the area of the Velika and Mala Kapela mountains were examined. Samples were collected by electrofishing and in a visual dive census. Two distinct species of the genus Telestes were found in the area of investigation; T. polylepis and T. karsticus, each on the opposite side of the Velika and Mala Kapela mountains. Accordingly, the knowledge of the distribution, morphometric and meristic characteristics for both species has been significantly improved. Also, the knowledge of the population structure, length-weight relationships, diet, age and growth, reproduction and mortality of T. karsticus has greatly improved. This species is a euryphagous omnivore. Benthic invertebrates accounted for the majority of the food consumed, although terrestrial insects, plant material, algae and fish were also found. The species sexually matures at the age of 1+. It is a litophylic species that spawns from mid-March to mid-May. The oldest specimen found was at the age of 5+.