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  • Amidžić Goran


    Organized crime and terrorism threaten the security of people, security of states and international regions every day. Therefore, the efforts of states and international community in eradication of these phenomena are justified. Namely, as a constant criminal project of groups and organizations which enables obtaining enormous illegal profit, organized crime influences security and political sustenance of many states. At the same time, ideological groups, organizations and movements intimidate the citizens and authorities systematically using armed violence with the purpose of creating certain political objectives. Finally, by connecting the carriers of organized crime and terrorism, i.e. joining massive ”dirty” capital and extremist ideology a new threat is being created: on the one hand, extremists gain resources that make them more destructive and that enables them to reach their goals easily; on the other hand, organized crime exploits the existing atmosphere and the panic of the citizens and authorities in order to develop their illegal activities and avoid justice. If we also add the fact that in the security practice there is often no significant difference between organized crime and terrorism, it becomes clear the confusion in the application of regulations, overlapping of the competences of the security subjects and imprecisely directed preventive and repressive actions of the security sector. Therefore, the need for distinction, as well as for determining correlation and effects of synergy between organized crime and terrorism on security is indisputable. This particularly refers to Bosnia and Herzegovina where there are all the conditions for unobstructed connection of organized crime and terrorism, for its post-conflict and potentially conflict environment and artificially created state made of two entities whose security subjects do not cooperate sufficiently. The awareness on new security threat created by connection of one of the most dangerous forms of property crime and one of the most destructive forms of political crime was one of the basis for the development of a number of theoretical approaches to description and explanation of correlation between organized crime and terrorism. The latter vary from simple taxonomy of common characteristics and similar manners of realization to construction of complex models of interdependent connections and influences of these phenomena. Pointing out to the fact that the connection between organized crime and terrorism is not particularly new, many analysts have dedicated their attention to the points of their contact. It is evident that the scope of terrorism financed on behalf of states has decreased in the last few years, thus terrorist groups have to finance themselves from organized crime. Therefore, organized crime has become essential to terrorist groups with no other source of financing. Similar approaches are described using a phrase ”methods, not motives”, and point out to the fact that the methods for dealing with these irregularities are similar or the same, and that the motives are different (lucrative – ideological). This is certainly always not the case, since interaction between organized crime and terrorism is becoming deeper, and the line of separation is not that clear anymore. There have been many attempts to display the interdependency between organized crime and terrorism using the models and forms of establishment of their connection. Basically, the connections between organized crime and terrorism are manifested in the form of: association, union, cooperation, symbiosis, convergence and metamorphosis. The basic points for theoretical and empirical research are generally accepted concepts of organized crime and terrorism, as criminal and security phenomena. The intention of this paper was to, first using theoretical models and then based on real security facts, examine and provide evidence that interaction between organized crime and terrorism represents a real threat to the security of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Identification of connection between organized crime and terrorism as threats to the security of Bosnia and Herzegovina demanded appropriate research approach which would enable understanding these phenomena using adequate scientific methods and instruments, which would further make possible bringing conclusions and recommendations for their prevention and suppression. Regarding this, organized crime is considered as a threat to the security of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with an overview of its structure, classification of its forms and characteristics. Furthermore, basic forms of organized crime manifestation have been identified and the latter are associated with direct endangering of security of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Analogously, the phenomenon of terrorism in Bosnia and Herzegovina is also examined. Finally, their correlation and synergic endangering of Bosnia and Herzegovina are also discussed. The key question of operationalization of the research subjects was identification of connection between organized crime and terrorism and their common negative influence on the security of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Identification of this connection has been performed by considering similarities, common objectives and interests, but also using already identified forms of cooperation between organized crime and terrorism in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Additionally, forms of connection have also been identified using abovementioned six forms of correlation (association, union, cooperation, symbiosis, convergence and metamorphosis of organized crime and terrorism). Based on that, forms and level of engagement of terrorist groups in criminal activities (drug trafficking, arms smuggling, kidnapping, corruption, smuggling of migrants, trafficking in human beings, money laundering and economic crime, smuggling of nuclear and radioactive material etc.) have been discussed, as well as involvement of organized crime in terrorist activities. That provided evidence for the connection between criminal organizations and terrorist groups on national and international level, as well as for the symbiosis of organized crime and terrorism in the immediate environment, and its influence on the security of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Thereafter, strategic, institutional and legal frameworks of confronting organized crime and terrorism on international and national level have been analyzed. Considering the fact that it is not possible to confront organized crime and terrorism using only classical criminal methods, the possibilities of using modern crime-intelligence methods based on scientific and technical achievements have been analyzed, too. The main importance of this research is obtaining valid and scientifically verified theoretical and empirical knowledge on the connection between organized crime and terrorism, which poses a true threat to the security of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and after that it would be necessary to start with redefining strategies and undertaking other urgent measures regarding confronting the abovementioned issues. Besides the scientific research, the following research methods have been used in this paper: comparative method, content analysis and statistical method, and the research techniques that were used are questionnaire and interview. It is necessary to emphasize that the scientific foundation of all the hypothesis has been confirmed and that the results of both theoretical and empirical research completely match, which points to the fact that organized crime and terrorism in Bosnia and Herzegovina are considered using instrumental, functional, symbiotic and subjective connection. Also, it is necessary to emphasize that during research it was concluded that the tendency of strengthening the bonds between these two security threats is ascending. Research results showed that the current security system of Bosnia and Herzegovina does not have affirmative effect in terms of suppression of organized crime and terrorism and that the main causes of such condition are to be found in political disorder, normative incompleteness, institutional inefficiency and flat action. According to the abovementioned, it may be concluded that it is necessary to undertake adequate measures in the fight against organized crime and terrorism in Bosnia and Herzegovina, such as: wording of unique legal definitions of organized crime and terrorism that shall be in accordance with European and international criteria; revising current laws and adoption of new regulations; improvement of all forms of cooperation and coordination between institutions and bodies competent for security on all levels, both in Bosnia and Herzegovina and on regional and international level; engagement of educated and trained personnel in all law enforcement institutions and bodies, strengthening of crime-intelligence capacities of the competent agencies, timely exchange of intelligence and improvement and development of technical abilities of the security subjects with the purpose of successful exchange of all kinds of data; development of security culture and prevention plans etc. Organizovanim kriminalom i terorizmom svakodnevno se ugrožava bezbednost ljudi, bezbednost mnogih država i međunarodnih regiona. Zbog toga su napori država i međunarodne zajednice za iskorenjivanje ovih pojava opravdani. Naime, trajnom kriminalnom delatnošću grupa i organizacija kojim se stiče ogroman ilegalni profit, organizovani kriminal utiče na bezbednost i politički život u mnogim državama. Istovremeno, ideološke grupe, organizacije i pokreti sistematskom upotrebom oružanog nasilja zastrašuju građane i vlade nastojeći da ostvare određene političke ciljeve. Najzad, povezivanjem nosilaca organizovanog kriminala i terorizma, tj. spajanjem krupnog "prljavog" kapitala i ekstremističke ideologije stvara se jedna nova pretnja: s jedne strane, ekstremisti dobijaju sredstva koja ih čine destruktivnijim i koj