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  • Švigir, Mario

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    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- Uz poduzeća u državnom vlasništvu, osobito ona u potpunom državnom vlasništvu najčešće se spominje niska razina transparentnosti. Niska transparentnost omogućava stvaranje neefikasnog poslovanja, sniženu razinu etičnosti ponašanja u poduzeću kao i gubitka integriteta na tržištu. Kod ovog tipa poduzeća ne postoji tržišni mehanizam valorizacije efikasnosti njihova poslova. To potencijalno stvara troškovne posljedice za gospodarstvo i za društvo u cjelini. Svrha doktorskog istraživanja rada je bila utvrditi intenzitet i način na koji primjena međunarodnih standarda transparentnosti utječe na unaprjeđenje upravljanja poduzeća u potpunom vlasništvu Republike Hrvatske. Na temelju provedene korelacijske analize nad uzorkom koji čine poduzeća u potpunom vlasništvu države utvrđeno je da primjena međunarodnih standarda financijske transparentnosti značajno utječe na upravljanje poduzećima u potpunom vlasništvu države. Veća financijska transparentnost smanjuje rashode. Na taj način podže razinu efikasnosti upravljanja ovim poduzećima. Na razini kvalitativne analize i ocjene primjene međunarodnih standarda financijske transparentnosti poslovanja poduzeća u potpunom vlasništvu Republike Hrvatske razvidno je da se kumulativno oko 60 % međunarodnih standarda financijske transparentnosti primjenjuju. Ipak, neki od najvažnijih standarda uopće se ne primjenjuju. Upravo taj segment područje je nužnosti izgradnje odnosno dogradnje računovodstvenog informacijskog sustava sukladno međunarodnim standardima financijske transparentnosti s ciljem unaprjeđenja efikasnosti i efektivnosti upravljanja poduzeća u potpunom vlasništvu države.- Phenomenon of the low level of transparency that is often related to state owned companies, especially for companies fully owned by state is often correlated with possibilities and risks of unethical business practices and frauds resulting with diminished efficiency and integrity of these companies on the market. In the case of this type of companies, since markets does not function as the mechanism of valorisation of their economic choices, any increase of their unchecked expenditures does act as the permanent source of the raising uncontrolled costs for both business and societies at large. This Phd dissertation was aimed at elaborating the relationships between the application of the international standards of financial transparency and improvement in the governance related practise of the companies fully owned by state in the case of Croatia. Based on application of the series of correlation and multiple regression analyses a positive significant relationship between application of the international standards of financial transparency and quality of governance of the fully state owned companies is determined. The higher financial transparency standards applied the more checked and balanced expenditures happened to be. Keeping expenditures under control is the source of increasing the efficacy of these companies. In the sphere of qualitative analysis it has been established that cumulatively around 60 % of the international standards of financial transparency have been implemented in the national institutional arrangements, including policies and practices in Croatia with distinction of the fact that some of the most pronounced of the related standards at this point are not implemented at all. Resultantly, the highest value added in terms of positive influence over the quality of governance processes in the companies fully owned by state in Croatia would be if accounting systems based on the full adequate implementation of the international standards of financial transparency are developed or upgraded particularly on these segments.- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana