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  • Mirović Dejan


    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- The aim of the current scientific research is: to contribute to better understanding of the EU law terminology in the Republic of Serbia, to study the influence of EU secondary law and primary law on the Serbian legislation system and the laws of the Republic of Serbia and to establish the actual status in the field of the EU laws adoption and application in Serbia. The used research methods include: legislative (normative) method, the content analysis method, the case study method, interpretation of the general normative of the EU legislation, with linguistic and logical interpretation, historiographic method and specific scientific methods - including analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, abstraction and generalization. The application of the Lisbon Agreement has already started in the laws of the Republic of Serbia. Unfortunately, it is frequently done inappropriately, or the legislator implements parts of the primary law referring to the regulations which have no direct legal connection with the law contents. The regulations of the European Union are inappropriate for the direct application in the Republic of Serbia. First of all, because they are totally obligatory, and only for the EU member states. On the other hand, the Serbian legislator is not able to fulfill the too ambitious deadline, the year 2012, for the general synchronizing with Acquis Communautaire. It is also clear that the deadline for the SAA, the year 2014, cannot be fulfilled. Such conclusion is drawn from the fact that the screening by the European Commission has not started yet. With the application of Acquis Communautaire, the coherence of the legal system in the Republic of Serbia will be infringed. In that context, it is necessary to synchronize regulations, instructions, and other parts of Acquis Communautaire with the Serbian legislature, as well as with the part of the Serbian legal system which does not refer to Acquis Communautaire. The coherence of a legal system is only possible with the correct application of the principles of subsidiarity and appreciation of the precedence of the domestic law. Or, on the basis of the principle of the subsidiarity of Acquis Communautaire (similar to Germany), it must be treated as a derived legal order of secondary importance in regard to the domestic one, especially in the areas of Criminal Law, Defense, Tax Policies, Information, Budget, and Public Acquisitions, as well as the control of the State aid. Acquis Communnautaire is applied in the Republic of Serbia mainly indirectly, but in some regulations directly as well. The direct effects of the EU law (regulations and instructions) in the Republic of Serbia are not possible, and this is why there are no subjective rights or obligations for the Serbian legislature and administration. The direct effects can exist only in member states. At the same time, the Serbian judges and clerks are not acquainted with the EU law in such a degree to be able to interpret Acquis Communautaire in the right way as far as direct effects are concerned. On the occasion of adopting Acquis Communautaire there should be applied Ultra vires Doctrine, as Germany did. The Serbian judicature and administration are not qualified for the application of Acquis Communautaire for theoretically, the EU Law is a new subject of study even in the Serbian legal practice.- Cilj ovog naučnog istraživanja je da doprinese boljem razumevanju pojma prava EU u Republici Srbiji, da prouči uticaj sekundarnog prava i primarnog prava EU na pravni sistem i zakone Republike Srbije, kao i da utvrdi aktuelno stanje u oblasti usvajanja i primene prava EU u Srbiji. U istraživanju su korišćene sledeće metode: pravni( normativni) metod, metod analize sadržaja, metod studije slučaja, metod tumačenja opšte norme prava EU (uz jezičko i logičko tumačenje), Istoriografski metod, kao i posebne naučne metode: analiza, sinteza, indukcija, dedukcija, apstrakcija, generalizacija. Lisabonski ugovor se već primenjuje u pravnom sistemu i zakonima Republike Srbije. Nažalost, način primene je često neprikladan, pri čemu zakonodavac implementira delove primarnog prava pozivajući se na odredbe koje nemaju direktnu pravnu vezu sa sadržinom zakona. Ni same Uredbe Evropske unije nisu primerene za direktno primenjivanje u Republici Srbijijer su, pre svega, u potpunosti obavezne i to samo za države članice EU. Sa druge strane, srpski zakonodavac često čak i ne može da objasni direktnu povezanost uredbi sa odredbama zakona; Srpski zakonodavac nije u stanju da ispuni preambiciozno postavljen rok do 2012. za opšte usklađivanje sa acquis communautaire. Takođe, jasno je da ni rok iz SSP - do 2014. ne može biti ispunjen. Na takav zaključak upućuje činjenica da u Srbiji nije započet ni screening od strane EK; Zbog ovakvog načina primene acquis communautaire koheretnost pravnog sistema Republike Srbije će biti narušena. U tom kontekstu, neophodno je usklađivanje uredbi, direktiva i ostalih delova acquis communautaire sa srpskim zakonodavstvom, kao i sa delom srpskog pravnog sistema koji se ne poziva na acquis communautaire. Koherentnost pravnog sistema je moguća samo uz pravilnu primenu načela supsidijariteta i uvažavanje prvenstva nacionalnog prava. Na osnovu principa supsdijariteta, acquis communautaire (slično kao i u SR Nemačkoj) mora biti tretiran kao izvedeni pravni poredak, sekundarnog značaja u odnosu na nacionalni. Ovo je naročito važno u oblastima krivičnog prava, odbrane, poreske politike, informisanja, budžeta i javnih nabavki, kao i kontrole državne pomoći. Acquis communautaire se u Republici Srbiji primenjuje uglavnom indirektno. Međutim, pojedinim odredbama primena je i direktna. Ne postoji, i nije moguće, direktno dejstvo prava EU (uredbi i direktiva) u Republici Srbiji. Shodno tome ne postoje ni subjektivna prava i obaveze za srpsko pravosuđe i administraciju. Direktno dejstvo može postojati samo u državama članicima. Pored toga, srpske sudije i činovnici nemaju dovoljni stepen poznavanja prava EU koji bi im omogućio pravilno tumačenje acquis communautaire prilikom direktnog dejstva. Treba primeniti doktrinu ultra vires prilikom usvajanja acquis communautaire, kao što je to učinila Nemačka. Srpsko pravosuđe i uprava nisu dovoljno kvalifikovani za primenu acquis communautaire jer je, u teorijskom smislu, pravo EU novi predmet proučavanja čak i u srpskoj pravnoj teoriji.- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana