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  • Belančić, Anita

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    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- Dinamika razgradnje dvaju vrsta listinca (lopuh Petasites spp. i bukva Fagus sylvatica L.)praćena je metodom „vrećica listinca“ u razdoblju od prosinca 2006. do studenog 2007. godine, na dvjema sedrenim barijerama Plitvičkih jezera. Na svakoj postaji eksperiment je proveden u tri vremenske serije na dva reotopa (brza i spora struja vode). Također su analizirane kemijske promjene samog listinca i okolne vode, taloženje sedre na listincu i promjena mase kockica sedre smještenih u vrećice s raspadajućim listincem. Na brzinu razgradnje listinca utječe brzina strujanja vode, temperatura vode i stopa osedravanja, osim u početnoj fazi razgradnje. Utjecaj osedravanja na brzinu razgradnje pokazao se različit za dvije vrste listinca: nakon duže izloženosti i pod utjecajem spore struje uz visok intenzitet taloženja sedre, osedravanje je čak djelovalo inhibitorno na razgradnju bukve, dok je isti proces ubrzavao razgradnju brzoraspadajućeg lopuha. Proces razgradnje listinca uglavnom potiče taloženje sedre osim u početnoj fazi taloženja kalcita (do 30 dana) ili pri manjem intenzitetu osedravanja, kad je zabilježeno otapanje sedre.- Decomposition dynamics of two types of litter (butterbur Petasites spp. and beech Fagus sylvatica L.) was analysed in the period from December 2006. to November 2007. on two tufa barriers of Plitvice Lakes. Experiments using leaf bags were carried out in three time series on two rheotopes (fast and slow current velocity) on each barrier. Chemical changes of the litter and the surrounding water were also analysed, as well as tufa deposition on litter surface and weight changes of tufa cubes embedded in the bag with the decaying litter. Litter decomposition rates were dependent on current velocity, water temperature and tufa deposition rate, except in the initial stage. The effect of tufa deposition on the litter decomposition rate proved to be different for the two types of litter: after prolonged exposure to calcification and under the influence of slow currents in combination with high tufa deposition rate, it even acted inhibitory on the decomposition of beech, while the same process accelerated decomposition of fast-decomposing butterbur. Leaf litter decomposition mainly accelerates tufa deposition with the exception of the initial stage of calcite deposition (up to 30 days) or at lower intensity of calcification, when dissolution of tufa was noticed.- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana