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Celotno besedilo

  • 07/01/1972
    Video Recording

    Extended description: Eksperimentalna gledališča zahtevajo novo gledališče, z lastnimi koncepti, ki namesto tradicionalnega koncepta poudarja vizualnost. Plakati za predstave, eksperimentalni gledališčniki, izjava režiser in direktor PDG Nova Gorica Jože Babič. Experimental theaters require a new theatre with their own concepts emphasizing visuals components instead of the traditional concept of verbal theatre. This clip starts with a glance of the diverse number of posters for performances of experimental theatre and continues with a statement by the director and the director of Nova Gorica Primorsko Dramsko gledališče, Jože Babič. Information: Theatrical vision of experimental theatre is in radical opposition to the developments within institutional theatres. Original language summary: Gledališke vizije eksperimentalnih gledališč so v radikalnem nasprotju z dogajanji v institucionalnih gledališčih.