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  • 14/09/2007
    Video Recording

    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- Extended description: Restavriranje Mrtvaškega plesa. Skeniranje dragocene poslikave iz 15. stoletja v cerkvi svete Trojice - Hrastovlje. To je slikarska ali grafična podoba plesa ali sprevoda, v katerem so po stanovih razporejeni živi ljudje, skeleti mrličev in smrt sama. Freska je dolga sedem metrov; freske; izjava dr. Matija Strlič, Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo Univerze v Ljubljani; dr. Robert Peskar, direktor Zavoda za varstvo kulturne dediščine; dr. Jana Kolar, Morana RTD, d. o. o. Slovenski in italijanski raziskovalci so s pomočjo najsodobnejše laserske tehnologije preučevali stanje znamenitih stenskih poslikav v hrastoveljski cerkvici. Petsto let stare freske v devetsto let stari cerkvi so bile že večkrat restavrirane, pa vendar ne vedno najbolj strokovno. Raziskave bodo dale odločilna znanja za ohranitev romanskih fresk oziroma morebitno restavriranje. Slovenian and Italian researchers are using the latest laser technology in order to study the state of the famous wall painting in the church of Hrastovlje. The painting represents a dance procession, in which people are arranged by their social status as living humans accompanied with skeletons and corpses, and death itself. It was probably formed under the influence of a medieval plague and is seven meters long. A five-hundred-year-old mural painting in the nine hundred-year-old church has been restored several times, but not always in a professional manner. This form of research will also provide crucial information with respect to the conservation of Roman frescoes or their possible restoration.- Information:- The restoration of the famous mural painting The dance of death in the church of Hrastovlje.- Original language summary: Restavriranje freske Mrtvaški ples iz 15. stoletja v cerkvi svete Trojice – Hrastovlje.- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana