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  • Džin, Kristina; Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar Centar za arheološka istraživanja – Međunarodni istraživački centar za arheologiju Brijuni Medulin HR - 52203 Medulin, Centar 214; kristina.dzin@ou.t-com.hr


    Roman villas, which have been dated from the 1st century BC to late antiquity in the ager of Pula, are divided into twomain groups: residential and rural villas. Their remains reveal basic architectural elements and interior equipment and decorations,and particularly mosaic floors executed as spicae, reticulatum, sectilae and classic mosaic executions (musivum).Residential villas and buildings which have been discovered and investigated in the last hundred years include: the site infront of the Amphitheatre in Pula, the villa on one of the Brijuni islands (Verige or Valcatena Bay), so-called Schwalb’s villain Barbariga, the maritime complex on Vižula near Medulin, and the villa in Pomer. The recovered mosaic floors, flutedcolumns with capitals, reliefs, frescoes and stuccos can best demonstrate the building development potential, and the socialand economic status of the owners of these patrician villas.The archaeological remains of the buildings do not provide sufficient elements to determine their respective interior decoration.Cisterns, a water supply system with pipes, a peristyle and a fountain observed at the villa in Barbariga, Brioni,Vižula near Medulin and Pomer, together with similar examples observed at other rustic villas in the ager of Pula, all pointto different criteria applied to the building and equipping of production complexes in the area of Pula in Roman and lateantique times. Članak donosi neke primjere unutarnjih zidnih slikarija i mozaičkih podnih bikromnih i polikromnih dekoracijerimskih rezidencijskih maritimnih vila južne Istre: građevine ispod jugozapadnog tornja pulskog amfiteatra, maritimnihperistilnih vila u Barbarigi i Pomeru, rezidencijskih kompleksa u uvali Verige na Brijunima i na poluotokuVižula kod Medulina. Svi ovu antičko/kasnoantički rimski objekti imaju zajedničku značajku, koja se odražava u koloritu imotivici fresko slikarstva pompejanskog stila (motiv Sfinge i plavokosog dječaka iz Barbarige kao i motiv ruke s Vižule) kaoi u polikromiji i bikromiji mozaičkih podova 1. i 2. st. regije «Venetia et Histria». Posebno se izdvajaju jedinstvena mozaičkaamblema vermiculatum iz vile s Brijuna, te motivi i kolorit podnih mozaika Konstantinovog i postkonstantinovog doba naVižuli 3. i 4. st.