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  • Concept of automatic programming of NC machine for metal plate cutting by genetic algorithm method
    Vaupotič, Boštjan ...
    This paper presents the concept of automatic programs of the NC machine for metal plate cutting by the genetic algorithm method. The paper is limited to automatic creation of NC programs for ... two-dimensional cutting of material by means of adaptive heuristic search algorithms. Automatic creation of NC programs in laser cutting of materials combines the CAD concepts, the recognition of features and creation and optimization of NC programs. The proposed intelligent system is capable of recognizing automatically the nesting of products in the layout, to determine the incisions and sequences of cuts forming the laid out products. The position of incision is determined at the relevant places on the cut. The system is capable of finding the shortest path between individual cuts and to record the NC program. It would be appropriate to orient future researches towards conceiving an improved system for three-dimensional cutting with optional determination of positions of incisions, with the capability to sense collisions and with optimization of the speed and acceleration during cutting. The proposed system assures automatic preparation of NC program without NC programmer. The proposed concept shows a higher degree of universality, efficienty and reliability. It can be simply adapted to other NC-machines.
    Type of material - article, component part
    Publish date - 2006
    Language - english
    COBISS.SI-ID - 10525718