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  • Intelligent system for machining and optimization of sculptured surfaces with ball-end milling
    Milfelner, Matjaž ...
    The paper presents an intelligent machining system which is applied in a high speed machining robot with on-line monitoring and optimization for ball-end milling. Manufacturing of 3D sculptured ... surfaces on a high speed machining robot involves a number of machining parameters and tool geometries. The system collects machining data and cutting parameters that are necessary for genetic algorithm optimixation. An intelligent machining system has been developed for the simulation and testing on the PC machine. It is based on a main PC computer, which is connected to the high-speed machining robot main processor so that control and communication can be realized. The system collects the variables of the cutting process by means of sensors which are optimized with genetic algorithms. Simulated results show that the proposed intelligent machining system is effective and efficient, an can be integrated into a real time intelligent manufacturing system for solving complex machining optimization.
    Type of material - article, component part
    Publish date - 2006
    Language - english
    COBISS.SI-ID - 10525974