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  • EBM and neck pain = Z dokazi podprta medicina in bolečina v vratu
    Parlevliet, Thierry
    This article aimed to review the scientific literature on diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of non-specific neck pain. The objective was to propose an evidence-based review on how to diagnose and to ... treat adults who suffer from nonspecific neck pain. Nevertheless, all conclusions should be applied with caution due to the actual weaknesses of most studies and should be applied as a guide to clinical decision making. The result is a limited number of key messages useful for clinical practice. These messages are mostly consistent with (inter)national guidelines.
    Source: Rehabilitacija. - ISSN 1580-9315 (Letn. 10, supl. 1, 2011, str. 90-98)
    Type of material - article, component part ; adult, serious
    Publish date - 2011
    Language - english
    COBISS.SI-ID - 1109865

source: Rehabilitacija. - ISSN 1580-9315 (Letn. 10, supl. 1, 2011, str. 90-98)

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