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  • Kvantitativna analiza odziva zobne pulpe na preparacijo in jedkanje kavitete pri podganah = Quantitative analysis of dental pulp response to cavity and acid etching in rats
    Nemeth, Lidija ; Štiblar-Martinčič, Draga
    Background: Our previous qualitative analysis of the dental pulp response in etched and unetched cavity revealed that the changes were similar in quality but differed in degree. For this reason we ... wanted to analyse the alterations quantitatively. Materials and Methods: The same animals and operative procedures were used as in the previous qualitative and semiquantitative analysis. Following the sacrifice of animals 5 min, 6 h, 24 h and 72 h postoperatively, histological sections of teeth, stained with HE, Giemsa, Goldner, and Brown & Brenn methods, were analysed morphometrically. We determined the number of odontoblasts beneath the cavity and the number of aspirated cells in dentinal tubules, the predentin width, and the number of bacterial colonies in the cavity and dentinal tubules. Results: Acid etching caused an additional reduction in the number of odontoblasts and increase in the number of aspirated cells beneath the cavity 5 min, 6 h and 24 h postoperatively, but an increased number of odontoblasts 72 hours postoperatively, compared to unetched cavities. The predentin width was reduced after both procedures. Seventy-two hours postoperatively normal dentinogenesis was evident under unetched cavities. Fewer bacterial colonies were present in the cavity and dentinal tubules after etching then when etching had been omitted. Conclusion: Odontoblast injury is more extensive after cavity preparation with acid etching compared to cavity preparation without acid etching. Etching stimulates odontoblast renewal, but the reparative dentin synthesis begins earlier beneath unetched cavities. Further study is needed to evaluate the dental pulp response to acid etching.
    Source: Zobozdravstveni vestnik. - ISSN 0044-4928 (Letn. 58, št. 2, 2003, str. 42-49)
    Type of material - article, component part
    Publish date - 2003
    Language - slovenian
    COBISS.SI-ID - 16646105

source: Zobozdravstveni vestnik. - ISSN 0044-4928 (Letn. 58, št. 2, 2003, str. 42-49)

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