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  • Kontrolni pregledi pri bolnikih z rakom v dolgotrajni remisiji = Regular follow-up visits of cancer patients in long-term remission
    Drusany Starič, Kristina ; Pavlović, Andrea ; Zwitter, Matjaž
    Oncologists in foreign countries have been gradually abandoning routine check-ups of cancer patients in long-term remission because, even today, thereis insufficient evidence of the effect of such ... check-ups on patients' survival and quality of life. In order to shed light on their difficulties,148patients were surveyed who had been in remission for more thanfive years after a confirmed malignancy. The goal was to find out what their feelings were concerning the check-ups, and in particular if they would trust their oncologist that such check-ups were no longer necessary. One of our essential questions was: What would be the patient's response? The study revealed that 40% of the patients would have felt relieved upon hearing that regular follow-up visits were no longer needed. However, 30% of them would have felt discriminated against and unprotected. Based on all of the above, wecame to a conclusion that a decision to stop further check-ups should be made only with the patient's approval.
    Type of material - article, component part
    Publish date - 2003
    Language - slovenian
    COBISS.SI-ID - 17659865