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  • Vloga operativnega postopka pri zdravljenju kariesa nekoč in danes = The role of operative procedures in the treatment of caries in the past and today
    Košir, Narcisa
    Carious changes are among the most common acquired lesions of hard dental tissues. Formerly, operative procedures ending with a restoration were generally based on x-ray evidence of hard tissue ... demineralization. This is still often the case today, although recent studies show that activity of the lesion must also be considered. Inactive early caries in a patient with good oral care requires neither preventive nor operative professional treatment. When the lesion is active, however, demineralization must be arrested. In a patient with active caries, it is essential to determine the status of oral hygiene by checking for the presence of dental plaque. These patients need fluoride treatment, nutritional advice, salivary enhancement therapy and otherpreventive measures. In most cases, the restoration is merely part of theprocedure aimed at reducing the likelihood of plaque accumulation. The proper recognition and management of carious changes is important not only forthe prevention of new lesions but also because caries has a harmful effect on other dental tissues, permanent successor teeth and the child's body.
    Source: Zobozdravstveni vestnik. - ISSN 0044-4928 (Letn. 60, št. 1/2, 2005, str. 75-81)
    Type of material - conference contribution
    Publish date - 2005
    Language - slovenian
    COBISS.SI-ID - 20320217

source: Zobozdravstveni vestnik. - ISSN 0044-4928 (Letn. 60, št. 1/2, 2005, str. 75-81)

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