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  • Influence of segregations on the fracture toughness K[sub]{Ic} of high-strength spring steel = Vpliv izcej na lomno žilavost K[spodaj]{Ic} visokotrdnostnega vzmetnega jekla
    Senčič, Bojan ; Leskovšek, Vojteh
    The results of this investigation showed that using the proposed method it was possible to draw, for the normally used range of working hardnesses, a tempering diagram (Rockwell-C hardness - fracture ... toughness K[sub]{Ic} - tempering temperature) for the vacuum-heat-treated high-strength spring-steel grade 51CrV4. Based on measurements of the mechanical properties we have also created a classic tempering diagram, i.e., Tensile strength R[sub]m - Yield stress R[sub]{p0.2} - Elongation A5/% - Necking Z/% - Tempering temperature, and a tempering diagram, i.e., Hardness HRc - Impact toughness Charpy-V - Tempering temperature. According to these tempering diagrams we can conclude that the investigated spring steel 51CrV4 is suitable for the production of high-strength springs when using the proper heat treatment. Fractographic and metallographic analyses of the K[sub]{Ic} test specimens showed the presence of segregations in the steel. Therefore, we focused on examining the impact of segregations on the fracture toughness KIc. We found that the widths of the positive segregation bands and the matrix bands between the samples vary considerably. We have also discovered that the number and the width of the segregation bands influence significantly the fracture toughness KIc due to the presence of bainite in the matrix bands.
    Source: Materiali in tehnologije = Materials and technology. - ISSN 1580-2949 (Letn. 46, št. 5, sep.-okt. 2012, str. 489-496)
    Type of material - article, component part
    Publish date - 2012
    Language - english
    COBISS.SI-ID - 944042

source: Materiali in tehnologije = Materials and technology. - ISSN 1580-2949 (Letn. 46, št. 5, sep.-okt. 2012, str. 489-496)

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