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  • Transitional justice in Slovenia?
    Letnar Černič, Jernej
    As many as 130,000 people are estimated to have been summarily executed in Slovenia in the months following the end of the Second World War on 8 May 1945. This article first outlines the factual ... background of the crimes committed in the Slovenian territory after the Second World War. Then it goes on to discuss decisions of the Slovenian District and High Courts in the case against former officials of the totalitarian regime. The article thereafter analyses the decisions from the perspective of international criminal law and transitional justice, in an attempt to draw out lessons concerning the understanding of current ideological divisions in Slovenia. Equipped with this knowledge, the article argues that there exist strong legal and moral grounds for prosecuting crimes against humanity committed in Slovenia after the Second World War. Though the present situation in Slovenia may appear grim, consensus appears to be growing for meaningful and continued reform, which would settle the question of post-war killings and the secret mass graves of victims, in a manner that will respect victims' right to a name and a grave, and enhance the current state of democracy in Slovenia.
    Type of material - article, component part
    Publish date - 2016
    Language - english
    COBISS.SI-ID - 1024547937