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  • Alkoholizam kod mladih
    Spudić, Matija; Kosić, Radoslav

    Sestrinski glasnik, 12/2020, Volume: 25, Issue: 2
    Journal Article, Paper

    Uvod: Konzumiranje alkohola kod mladih ponašanje je na koje je potrebno obratiti značajnu pozornost, posebice zbog posljedica koje može imati u životu mlade osobe. Cilj istraživanja: Cilj je ispitati incidenciju opservacije i hospitalizacije zbog alkoholne intoksikacije kod adolescenata i mlađih punoljetnika u Karlovačkoj županiji. Ispitanici i metode: Podaci korišteni u ovom radu prikupljeni su putem Bolničkog informacijskog sustava Opće bolnice Karlovac za period od 2013. do 2018. godine. Za statističku obradu dobivenih podataka korištene su deskriptivna i inferencijalna statistika. Korišten je program IBM SPSS Statistics (inačica 20). Rezultati: Provedeno istraživanje pokazalo je da u periodu od 2013. do 2018. godine postoji statistički značajna razlika u broju muških i ženskih pacijenata zaprimljenih u bolnicu: 173 (72,7 %) muška pacijenta i 65 (27,3 %) ženskih pacijenata. Prosječna dob svih pacijenata iznosi 19 godina. Najveći je broj pacijenata zbog konzumacije alkohola zaprimljen tijekom 2015. (22,3 %) i 2016. godine (20,2 %). U razdoblju od 2016. do 2018. godine uočava se pad u broju prijema takvih pacijenata. Najveći je broj pacijenata (51 %) zaprimljen na Objedinjeni hitni bolnički prijem (OHBP), a prema broju slijede ih pacijenti koji su zaprimljeni na Odjel psihijatrije (40,2 %), te Odjel pedijatrije (8,7 %). Najveći je broj pacijenata s dijagnozom F10.0 (65,1 %), a potom slijede pacijenti s dijagnozom F10 (28,6 %). Najmanji je broj pacijenata s dijagnozama F10.1 (3,4 %) i F10.2 (2,9 %), što je i očekivano s obzirom na to da se radi o mladima koji najčešće nisu recidivisti, ali i zbog izbjegavanja stigme. Zaključak: Iako istraživanjem nije potvrđena hipoteza da postoji porast opservacija i hospitalizacija zbog opijanja kod mladih, uporaba alkohola među adolescentima i mlađim punoljetnicima sve je više izražena te je često karakterizirana visokom alkoholemijom i manjkom empatije prema opitom od strane vršnjaka. Introduction: Alcohol consumption among young people is a common activity that needs to be given considerable attention, and because of the consequences that can cause in the life of a young person. Research goal: Goal is to examine the incidence of observation and hospitalization for alcohol intoxication in adolescents and young adults in Karlovac County. Participants and Methods: The data used in this paper were collected from the Hospital Information System of the General Hospital Karlovac for the period from 2013 to 2018. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for the statistical processing of the obtained data. IBM SPSS Statistics (version 20) was used. Results: The conducted study showed that there was a statistically significant difference in the number of male and female patients admitted to the hospital between 2013 and 2018: 173 (72.7%) male and 65 (27.3%) female patients. The average age of all patients is 19. The largest number of patients was admitted due to alcohol consumption in 2015 (22.3%) and 2016 (20.2%). From 2016 to 2018 there was a decrease in the number of admissions. Most patients were admitted to OHBP (51%), followed by patients admitted to the Department of Psychiatry (40.2%) and the Department of Pediatrics (8.7%). The highest number of patients was diagnosed with F10.0 (65.1%), followed by patients diagnosed with F10 (28.6%). The lowest number of patients was diagnosed with F10.1 (3.4%) and F10.2 (2.9%), which is expected given that these are young people who, most often, are not recidivists but also due to the avoidance of stigma. It is noted that the number of patients discharged home from hospital increases with age, while the number of hospitalized patients decreases with age. Conclusion: Although the study did not confirm our hypothesis that there are increasing observations and hospitalizations for intoxication in young people, alcohol use among adolescents and young adults is more and more pronounced, often characterized by high alcoholemia and lack of empathy towards “drunk” by their peers