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  • Hvarski iseljenici i hrvats...
    Čoralić, Lovorka

    Croatica Christiana periodica, 02/2023, Volume: 46, Issue: 90
    Journal Article, Paper

    Središnja tema rada usmjerena je na oblike povezanosti iseljenika s otoka Hvara u hrvatskoj bratovštini sv. Jurja i Tripuna u Mlecima u razdoblju od 15. do 18. stoljeća. Rad se zasniva na obradi gradiva pohranjenoga u Državnome arhivu u Mlecima (oporuke) i Arhivu bratovštine sv. Jurja i Tripuna (spisi vezani za prihode i rashode bratovštine te popisi članova i dužnosnika u bratimskim vijećima i odborima). Uvidom u gradivo razvidno je da su Hvarani stoljećima predstavljali jednu od najvažnijih hrvatskih regionalnih skupina u gradu na lagunama, a u 17. stoljeću može se kazati da su, prema ugledu i učestalosti spominjanja, prednjačili nad drugim bratimima zavičajem od Dalmacije do Boke kotorske. U prilogu se donosi popis svih dosad istraženih Hvarana uključenih u bratovštinu sv. Jurja i Tripuna. The chief topic of this article is analysis of inter-connections among emigrants from Island of Hvar within the Croatian confraternity of SS George and Tryphon in Venice in the period from the fifteenth up to eighteenth century. The article is based upon analysis of the archival sources kept in the State Archive in Venice (mostly last wills) and on the records from the Archives of the Confraternity of SS George and Tryphon (income records, lists of members and confraternity officials). The analysis has revealed that throughout the investigated centuries the emigrants from Hvar were one of the most important regional groups of Croats in Venice. Moreover, in the seventeenth century they were the most prominent amongst all the other brothers from Dalmatia (including emigrants from Boka kotorska). At the end author provides a complete list of all the investigated emigrants from Island of Hvar, who were involved in the activities of the Confraternity of SS George and Tryphon in Venice.