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  • Cell-based meat: Current am...
    Ong, Shujian; Choudhury, Deepak; Naing, May Win

    Trends in Food Science & Technology, August 2020, 2020-08-00, 20200801, Volume: 102
    Journal Article

    Cell-based meats have arose substantial interest due to the promotion of these products as cleaner and sustainable alternatives to conventional meats. We identify the most notable ambiguities surrounding the nomenclature of cell-based meats and summarize current discussions around it. Notable ambiguities include: whether cell-based meat can be called “meat”; identifying the most descriptive and appealing name for cell-based meat; the nomenclature of cell-based meat products with different levels of complexity; and the standards cell-based meats need to meet before claiming to be cleaner and more sustainable than conventional meat. The need to clarify ambiguities is crucial to facilitate discussions, enhance investor interests, build consumer confidence and prevent any future strife with traditional farming. •Clarifying nomenclature is imperative to facilitate future discussions.•Meat has a standard of identity, but modifiers can distinguish it from substitutes.•Cell-based meat can be categorized into processed meat, minced meat and meat cuts.•Standards for claims are important to establish consumer confidence.