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  • Antropološki pristup teolog...
    Rađa, Jakov

    Bogoslovska smotra, 03/2022, Volume: 91, Issue: 4
    Journal Article, Paper

    Jacques Dupuis i Henri de Lubac dvojica su isusovačkih teologa čija imena ne mogu biti preskočena u obrađivanju tema koje su povezane s teologijom religija. Premda su pripadali istom teološkom spektru inkluzivizma, nisu pripadali istoj teološkoj školi jer dok je Dupuis naglasak stavljao na prisutnost Krista u drugim religijama, de Lubac je u religijama vidio isključivo čežnju za Bogom koja svoje ispunjenje nalazi u kršćanskoj objavi. Unatoč razlikama između Dupuisa i de Lubaca, obojica su svoju teologiju religija gradila na antropološkim temeljima, točnije na Origenovoj duhovnoj antropologiji kojoj su međutim dali drukčije tumačenje. Dupuis je tako duhovno iskustvo čovjeka koji živi izvan kršćanske ekonomije spasenja promatrao kao način na koji Duh Božji dolazi do čovjeka omogućujući mu sudjelovanje u Božjoj istini i životu, a de Lubac je to isto iskustvo tumačio kao susret s dubinom vlastitog bića, sa slikom Božjom, koju svaki čovjek posjeduje, no ne i kao susret s Bogom. Dok Dupuis mistiku izvan kršćanstva smatra autentičnim načinom kako Bog ulazi u život ljudi, de Lubac smatra kako se izvan kršćanstva uglavnom može govoriti samo o naravnoj mistici, no ne i pravoj mistici. Dupuisova i de Lubacova teologija religija počivaju stoga na različitom viđenju odnosa milosti i naravi jer dok Dupuis veći naglasak stavlja na imanentnost Božjeg djelovanja, de Lubac je svoju pažnju više usmjerio na transcendentnost odnosa između Boga i čovjeka. Unatoč razlikama u vrednovanju duhovnog iskustva čovjeka koji živi izvan kršćanske ekonomije spasenja, teologije Jacquesa Dupuisa i Henrija de Lubaca važan su doprinos boljem razumijevanju načina kako Bog djeluje u čovjeku. Jacques Dupuis and Henri de Lubac are two Jesuit theologians whose names are unavoidable when one deals with topics related to the theology of religions. Although they belonged to the same theological spectrum of inclusivism, they did not belong to the same theological school; while Dupuis emphasized the presence of Christ in other religions, de Lubac saw in religions only and exclusively the longing for God that finds its fulfillment only in the Christian revelation. Despite differences between Dupuis and de Lubac, they both built their theologies of religions on an anthropological basis; more precisely, on Origen’s spiritual anthropology that they interpreted differently from each other. Thus, Dupuis perceives the spiritual experience of those human beings who live outside of the Christian economy of salvation as a way for the Holy Spirit to reach those human beings and enables them to participate in God’s truth and life, while de Lubac interprets that same experience as an encounter with the depths of one’s own being, with the image of God. While Dupuis considers mysticism outside of Christianity to be an authentic way in which God enters into the lives of human beings, de Lubac held that outside of Christianity one can generally talk only about natural mysticism, but not true mysticism. Dupuis and de Lubac’s theologies of religions are, therefore, based on different views of the relation between grace and nature. In that sense, Dupuis puts a larger emphasis on the immanency of God’s agency, while de Lubac directs his attention more in the direction of transcendency of the relation between God and human beings. Despite differences in the evaluation of the spiritual experience of those human beings who live outside of the Christian economy of salvation, the theologies of Jacques Dupuis and Henri de Lubac are both an important contribution to a better understanding of the ways in which God acts in human being.